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朋友要知心的,和衷共济!Intimate friends to work together with one heart!

累累硕果,凝聚了矿区广大干部职工和衷共济、自强不息、顽强拼搏的心血。Fruitful results, rallied the cadres and workers mining rapport, self-reliance, hard work and struggle.

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我们人类都知道一家人要互帮互助、和衷共济,在生意场上这就叫做裙带关系。We humans are known to help out members of our own families. When it comes to business we call it nepotism.

在世界经济复苏的道路上,我们要和衷共济,携手并进。On the way toward global economic recovery, we must continue to help each other and move forward hand-in-hand.

贸易和商业也与今天的会议十分相像,往往能够促使不同背景的各国人民为了共同的目标和衷共济。Much like this event today, trade and commerce have always brought together diverse peoples in a common pursuit.

自然灾害是人类共同的敌人,国际社会只有和衷共济,才能战胜灾难。Natural disasters are the common enemy for human kind, and only joint international efforts could overcome these catastrophes.

中国积极推进同地区国家的经贸往来和互利合作,和衷共济,共同应对国际金融危机带来的挑战。We have built closer trade relations and cooperation with regional partners, and have stood with them in the face of the financial crisis.

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和衷共济、合作共赢是时代的要求,也是各国实现安全与发展的必由之路。United actions and win-win cooperation represent the call of the day and offer the only viable pathway to security and development for all.

这说明,国际社会已经认识到,随着经济全球化深入发展,和衷共济、合作共赢是我们的必然选择。This shows that the international community has come to recognize that with deepening economic globalization, working together for win-win outcomes is the only option we have.

我们真诚地欢迎社会各界交流信息、洽商业务、诚信合作、带动经济、互惠互利、和衷共济、携手共进,托起明天的太阳。We sincerely welcome the community to exchange information, negotiate business, integrity, to promote economic, mutual benefit, together, join hands, hold up tomorrow the sun.

我们坚持奉行互利共赢的开放战略,同亚洲国家和衷共济,相互扶助,共同推动亚洲经济复苏和发展。We pursue the opening-up strategy of mutual benefit and win-win scenario and will work with Asian countries to help each other out and promote economic recovery and development in Asia.

他坚信,人们在通往美德的途中,以互相扶持为目的而和衷共济是切实可行的,他想象中的共济会就是如此的。He firmly believed in the possibility of the brotherhood of man, united in the aim of supporting one another in the path of virtue. And freemasonry he pictured to himself as such a brotherhood.

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在这个时候,我希望香港同胞和衷共济、共谋发展,把香港的各项工作做好,使香港更加繁荣和稳定。At this moment, I hope our compatriots in Hong Kong will work together with one accord for better development. They will do an even better job in promoting prosperity and stability in Hong Kong.