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我没那份情感。培训。I'm not in the mood.

进行爱校的情感教育。How to love our school?

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它是非社会性情感。It's a nonsocial emotion.

想要传达情感。Trying to convey feeling.

这是一种情感的宣泄。A kind of emotional reflex.

你需要传达一些情感。You need to convey emotion.

与他们交流心得、分享生活、建立情感上的联系。Talk with them, share, bond.

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这就是情感敲诈。This is emotional blackmail.

要当心你的情感。Beware of your ownaffections.

爱、恨和悲都是情感。Love and hate are antipodess.

我们需要发泄我们的情感。We need to vent our feelings.

什么是情感顺应性?What Is Emotional Resilience?

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他玩弄了她的情感。He dallied out her affections.

你是情感上的冲动?Are you the impulse of emotion?

她必须控制自己的情感。She must dominate her passions.

饼干是一个情感问题。Biscuits are an emotional issue.

怎样做一个没有情感的人?How to do an emotionless person?

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他必须用谦恭的心情去倾听这个故事要表达的情感。Listen, humbly, for the message.

爱与恨是基本情感。Love and hate are prime emotion.

所有情感的交织是什么?What is all affective interweave?