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其中四肢麻痹者12例,下肢麻痹者31例。There are 12 quadriplegics and 31 paraplegics.

两下肢轻度凹陷性水肿。There was slight pitting edema over both legs.

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训练伤主要发生在下肢。The main training injury was in the lower limbs.

这导致血液在下肢汇集。This results in blood pooling in the lower legs.

在7周龄时,解剖取出两下肢的比目鱼肌作标本。Soleus muscle of two lower limbs was harvested at 7 weeks old.

每次当脚踩向台阶时都尝试跳过一个台阶,这样做有助于改善下肢肌力。To increase lower body strength, try climbing every other step.

目的总结老年人下肢溃疡修复特点。To study the repair feature of correlation ulcer of aged patiens.

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你的下肢或双足出现过刺痛的感觉吗?Do you ever have any prickling feelings in your legs or feet? Yes No.

不宁腿综合征是最常见的神经疾病之一,大多在夜间休息时发病,发病时腿部有针刺感、刺痛感、麻木等不舒适的感觉,活动、晃动下肢或行走才能缓解。Restless leg syndrome is one of the UK’s most common nerve syndromes.

无骨盆畸形愈合、腰骶部疼痛、下肢不等长等并发症。No pelvic malunion, low back pain or leg length discrepancy was found.

有的甚至有腹痛、下肢疼痛。Some even had abdominal pain, legs pain, hepatomegaly and splenomegaly.

你也可以在长途旅行时穿着预防下肢静脉曲张的弹力袜。You might also wear graduated compression stockings on very long trips.

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长期坐位与下肢深静脉血栓形成有关。Long-term sitting has been related to thrombosis of the deep leg veins.2

下肢力线的恢复以健侧为参照标准。The restoration standard was in accordance with the uninjured side limb.

截瘫患者行双下肢弹性绷带缠裹。T he lower limbers of paraplegia patients were twined by flexible bandage.

当前规定只允许左下肢残疾的人员驾驶小型自动挡汽车。The present regulation only allows those with disabled left legs to drive.

记录感觉阻滞平面、双下肢运动阻滞情况。The level of sensory block and Bromage score were recorded at the same time.

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双下肢表现为不同程度的剪刀步态、屈膝及尖足行走。They presented scissors gait, flexed knee and tiptoeing of different degree.

观察记录两组患者下肢制动时间及血管并发症等。The Lower-limb braking time and the complications were recorded and analyzed.

我们有过使用拐杖或下肢支具和支体残废的朋友及同学。We had friends and classmates with crutches or leg braces and crippled limbs.