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直辖市下有自治机关吗?。Does Municipalities Have Self-government Organ?

天津是中国的四个直辖市之一。Tianjin is one of the four municipalities in China.

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宝沙是魁北克种族最多样化的直辖市。Brossard is the most ethnically diverse municipality in Quebec.

除北京、天津、上海三个直辖市外,其余省的现用率都较低。The rate is very low except that of Beijing, Shanghai and Tianjin.

这是一个奇迹宝宝想,”巴希尔说杰马耶勒,一对Fatri官方直辖市。It's a miracle, " said Bashir Gemayel, an official of the Fatri municipality."

“在一些直辖市,这已在推行当中,”他说道,“但我们还想能扩展开来。”“That's already under way in some municipalities,” he said, “but we want to expand.

直辖市直接隶属于中华人民共和国中央人民政府的建制市。Municipalities directly under the Central People's Government of the organic market.

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直辖市和其他城市当局正在着力树生长的。Municipalities, and other urban authorities are now investing in tree growing as well.

它是一个拥有2千8百万人口的直辖市,有中央政府直接管理。It is the centre of a municipality of 28m people, run directly by the central government.

辖23省、4个直辖市、5个自治区、2个特别行政区。It contains 23 provinces, 4 municipalities, 5 autonomous regions, 2 special administrative areas.

现在各省、自治区、直辖市的政府机构也按照同样的比例进行了精简。And the provincial and municipal governments have also reduced their staff by the same proportion.

北高两市同为直辖市但相较于台北,高雄人保有更多与人互动及自己生活的时间。People of Kaohsiung still spend more time to interact with others and devote more time to their lives.

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因此,武汉可以说是一个直辖市、一个省会城市和一个县的紧密联合体。Therefore, Wuhan is a municipality can be said, a capital city and a county close of the Commonwealth.

在中国30个省和直辖市覆盖超过100座主要城市,拥有500多家连锁酒店。It has more than 500 chain hotels in 30 provinces and municipalities, covering more than 100 main cities.

台北县台中市县高雄市将升格为「直辖市」,您对这次升格结果满意吗?。Do you agree with the administrative upgrading of Taipei County, Taichung City and County and Kaohsiung City?

情节严重的,除罚款外,由省、自治区、直辖市人民政府责令停产。Serious violators shall be ordered by the PARM government to cease production in addition to the penalty fine.

中国的地震局说,这次地震受影响的一半以上国家的省,直辖市。China's Seismological Bureau said the quake affected more than half the country's provinces and municipalities.

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作为新兴的直辖市,探讨其城市规划中防避地质灾害的方法,有着十分重要和积极的意义。As emerging municipalities in urban planning for disaster prevention and control of geological have very positive.

它将在5个指定的省和1个直辖市开展——这覆盖了2000万面临结核病风险的人们。It will be implemented in five designated provinces and one municipality — covering 20 million people at risk of TB.

省、自治区、直辖市的土地利用总体规划,报国务院批准。General plans for land use of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities shall be approved by the State Council.