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从层磨损的痕迹。Scuff marks from floors.

这条银白色的痕迹是黏液。The slivery trail is slime.

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留下斑斑点点的痕迹。To mark or mottle with spots.

胡同里充满了历史的痕迹。The Hutongs are full of history.

我知道你是不会留下任何痕迹的。I know you won't leave any trace.

很多段落都有标红的痕迹。Many passages were marked in red.

漆刷、蜡纸和痕迹。Paint brush, stencil, and traces.

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这痕迹是朝着上方的。The tendentious track is upwards.

时间的痕迹,生活的拼贴。Imprints of time, collage of life.

那是一个几乎不露一丝痕迹的笑。It was the barest hint of a smile.

到处都是磨损的痕迹!There are scuff marks all over it!

其他的痕迹仍停留不变。Other traces still stays untouched.

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纪念碑上有年深日久的痕迹。The monument bears the mark of age.

留下风儿划过的痕迹。To leave my spoor in the free wind.

这里到处都充满着向加加林致敬的痕迹。Tributes to Gagarin are everywhere.

岁月在他脸上留下了痕迹。Age has left its traces on his face.

可以减少脸上长青春都的痕迹。Reduce acne traces left on the face.

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面部瑜伽,也叫做鬼脸瑜伽,是对抗岁月痕迹的最新武器。Face Yoga , also called Grimace Yoga.

结果几类钥匙的增配痕迹能够观察到。Result The copied marks can be found.

一路都是云的痕迹。There were traces of Yun all the way.