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他们的性格就是合不来。Their characters just don't mesh.

不知怎的,我和他就是合不来。He and I are somehow out of synch.

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我听说,他和他父亲合不来。He and his father are two, I hear.

事实证明我们合不来。Facts show we are not a good match.

他跟谁都合不来。He could not get along with anybody.

我和我的同事合不来。I'm not getting along with my colleague.

她同其他的孩子合不来。She doesn't fit in with the other children.

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不,这不行。你是晓得我们俩合不来的。No, that's out. You know we don't get along.

他们相处得不好,他们合不来。They didn't get on. They were not suited to each other.

很难想象有比他们俩在一起更合不来的人。I can hardly imagine two men less capable of getting on together.

我们有时候和美国人合不来,有时候甚至和德国人也不亲善。We were sometimes at odds with the Americans, and even the Germans.

傲慢与贫困虽合不来,却经常住在一起。" Pride and poverty don't get along, but often live together. " —Proverb.

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目前,服务器操作系统市场是两匹合不来的赛马Linux与Windows。Right now, the server OS market is a two horse race with Linux and Windows.

克里斯蒂娜与易发脾气的少年林肯一直合不来,不如她与迈可的关系亲近。Christina never bonded with the angry young Lincoln like she did with Michael.

明知道自己跟他们合不来群,还硬要走在吵杂的人群里。Know you arent compatible with their group, are forced walk in the noisy crowd.

结果他只是微笑了一下,然后说‘我已经看出来了,你和我,我们一定合不来。But he just smiled and said, 'I can already tell, you and I, we'll never get along.

因为她喜欢穿奇装异服,所以她跟其他同学合不来。Because of her strange clothing, she didn't fit in well with the rest of the students.

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因为她喜欢穿奇装异服,所以她跟其他同学合不来。Because of her strange clothing, she didn’t fit in well with the rest of the students.

我想我们两个合不来,既然我是先来的,我想你应该走人。I don’t think we’re going to work out. And since I was here first, I think you should go.

这也导致了一系列冲突,那就是,工程师和市场人员总是合不来。And it leads to, there's a whole bunch of tension that you get between engineers and marketing people.