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我可以看一下你的全家福吗?。Can Ithe photos of your family?

我想照张全家福。I wanna take a family portrait.

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这是你的全家福吗?Is this a photo of your family?

本正在看苏海的全家福照片。This is the photo of my childhood.

谢谢吾儿你寄来的你的全家福。And thank you for sending your family picture.

你能把你的全家福照片拿给我看吗?What about showing me your whole-family photo?

你能给我看一下你的全家福照片吗?Would you like to show me your whole-family photo?

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你也可以买到相框装帧好的奥巴马一家的全家福。You can buy framed photos of the new first family.

他回答是,“全家福项目”就此诞生。He said yes, and the “Family Portrait Project” was born.

刘虹正在给全班看一张她家以前的全家福。Liu Hong is showing the class an old photo of her family.

是的,德昌县高家150多人拍成了“百人全家福”。Yeah, 150 members of Gao in De Chang county took the photo.

他寄给我一封信里面附了一张他的全家福照片。He sent me a letter together with a photograph of his family.

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我侄女三岁时画了张全家福My niece drew a picture of my family once when she was three.

儿子高兴地拿出相机,准备照张全家福。The son toke out a camera for a photo of whole family gladly.

否则,许多家庭可能没有一张全家福。Many of our families might not otherwise have a family portrait.

是的,德昌县高家150多人第一次拍成了“百人全家福”。Yeah ,150 members of Gao in Dechang county took the photo firstly.

我拿出了皮夹,慌手慌脚地翻出了我的全家福照片。I took out my wallet and nervously fumbled for the pictures of my family.

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您可以抱着虎宝宝,给它们喂奶,并且再拍一张和乐的“全家福”!Hold the baby tiger in your arms, feeding milk and take a memorable picture.

利物浦官网非常高兴推出2009-10年利物浦的全家福。Liverpoolfc. tv is delighted to publish the new LFC squad image for 2009-10.

孙四康找到一张汤伯凡的全家福,放进衣服内兜。Four sun kang to find a Zhang Shang every family, in the clothes inside pocket.