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使用缩略图。Use thumbnails.

他画了一幅欧洲的略图。He outlined a map of Europe.

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朱利安是描绘略图的最困难。Julian was the hardest to draw.

画出…的轮廓,画…的略图。Outline a map of North America.

他画了壹张意大利的略图。He drew an outline map of Italy.

略图已拟就。The rough sketch has been blocked in.

给定的类每个物体都有缩略图?Does a given class have per-object thumbnails?

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每个缩略图连接到它的全尺寸的图象。Each thumbnail is linked to its full-sized image.

她画了一幅这个地区的略图,用来给我们指路。She drew a sketch map of the area to show us the way.

实际上我们可以画个简略图,来看看这是怎么实现的。So in fact we can block this out and see what it does.

缩略图查看器显示图像,因为它们是实时。Thumbnail viewer displays images real-time as they are.

调整图像的缩略图欧恩故事阵线和博客网页。Thumbnail resize for images onn stories Front and Blog page.

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现在图层蒙版的旁边你应该可以看到一个白色的缩略图。You should now have a white thumbnail beside the layer mask.

设定此选项以在图像缩略图下方显示文件名称。Set this option to show the filename below the image thumbnail.

以下是绘画小西湾略图的三个步骤。Here are the three steps of drawing a sketch map of Siu Sai Wan.

伊克巴尔的“缩略图”工作蒸汽机的重量仅1.72克。Iqbal's "thumbnail" working steam engine weighs just 1.72 grams.

设定此选项以在图像缩略图下方显示文件大小。Set this option to show the file size below the image thumbnail.

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如果用户单击一个缩略图,就会完全展开该图像。If the user clicks a thumbnail, the image will expand to full size.

我对照片集所执行的第一个操作是生成缩略图。The first thing I did with my picture collection was generate thumbnails.

这些探讨导致了缩略图在智能和可用性方面大大增强。This has led to an upswing in thumbnails that are both clever and usable.