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天空、依旧闲云游荡。The sky, still roam idle.

独自沮丧地游荡?。Alone and palely loitering?

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我继续游荡,夜复一夜。I go on, night after night.

游荡的鬼船远。The ghost ship wanders far.

来吧.80英尺长的充气狗在城市上空游荡。An 80-foot dog over the city?

仓库游荡没有一个花色货品。Depot loafing no one fancies.

独自游荡在郊外的小路。That rambles in the Road alone.

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我们只是梦影在游荡。And we the shadows of the dream.

一个乞丐常在这条街上游荡。A beggar often wanders this street.

它们喜欢在树间游荡。They love to swing from tree to tree.

又瘦又饿的狗在街上游荡。Thin, hungry dogs roamed the streets.

郝京妮在上海游荡。Holloway's wandering in Shanghai jing.

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海盗船在海上游荡。Pirate ships were vagabonds of the sea.

我们都在忙着,你别在这儿游荡啦。Don't hang around here when we are busy.

这名小学生一路上游游荡荡去上学。The pupil dawdled all the way to school.

孤单游荡的野鬼。The wild ghosts that wander in solitary.

他们乘快艇在湖上游荡。They travelled on the lake by speedboat.

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他年轻时曾在非洲四处游荡。He knocked about Africa when he was young.

她在大街上漫无目的地到处游荡。She wandered aimlessly around the streets.

我为那一个又一个游荡的灵魂哭泣!I is that a gadabout soul weep over again !