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如何升迁隔行视频吗?How to upsize interlaced video?

隔行扫描电视支持已添加的PSP渺茫。TV support has been added for PSP slim.

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也许这就是所谓的“隔行如隔山”!Perhaps this is the so-called "an interlacing as foster"!

所选的视频编解码器不支持隔行扫描处理。The selected video codec does not support interlaced processing.

传统的去隔行算法存在着难以克服的缺陷。The conventional de-interlacing algorithms have some insurmountable faults.

去隔行算法是电视扫描格式转换和数字视频处理的一项关键技术。The function of de-interlace is to convert interlaced images to progressive ones.

隔行提供更聪明的工作方案和隔行握拉。Provides smarter deinterlacing and more workflow options for interlacing and pulldown.

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隔行转逐行在AE900上已经非常之好,在AX100U上仍然同样的好。Deinterlacing was already extremely good on the AE900, and it continues to be so on the AX100U.

在这里提供了隔行素材源50和逐行扫描素材源60。Here, a source of interlace material 50 and source of progressive scan material 60 are provided.

分析了液晶电视驱动电路的视频解码、去隔行处理和图像缩放等核心关键技术。The paper introduces the image-scaling module and its implementation for AVS-video decoded chip.

基于传统算法,提出了一种增强的运动自适应去隔行算法。An enhanced motion-adaptive de-interlacing algorithm based on conventional algorithm is presented.

读者还应注意到这首诗押隔行韵等等……这些都是艾略特对自己读者做的假设。The reader is supposed to notice that alternate lines rhyme, but that the others do not, and so on.

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隔行扫描和逐行扫描有不同数量的有效视频帧速率。This is available in both interlaced and progressively scanned at a varying number for frame rates.

主要处理过程包含去隔行、帧频提升、分辨率提升,及各种画质增强。It comprises de-interlacing, frame rate up-conversion, scaling and many image enhancement processes.

回家写大约8页隔行的论文,你不用到外面做调查。You take it home and you write basically an 8-page, we don't want you to run outside and do research.

视频处理过程包括去隔行、帧频提升、分辨率提升及各种画质增强等。Its main functions are de-interlacing, frame rate up-conversion, scaling, quality improvement and etc.

去隔行是电视图像增强处理和视频格式转换的一项关键技术。De-interlacing is a key tech ni que used in enhancement of TV images and conversion of video scan formats.

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对去隔行处理采用基于运动检测的自适应控制内插算法。A adaptive control interpolation algorithm based on motion detection is presented to process de-interlacing.

提出一种隔行到逐行自适应帧频提升算法和该算法的芯片设计方法。A new adaptive frame rate up conversion algorithm and its ASIC design for consumer television are presented.

在隔行方式中,电子射枪首先扫描奇数项中的像素,第二次再扫描偶数项中的像素。In interlace style, electron-beam sweeps elements in odd rows first time and does elements in even rows second time.