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点点滴滴。我都拥有在心。Dribs and drabs. I have in mind.

爱在点点滴滴,爱在一茶一饭。Love in dribs and drabs, at a tea rice.

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这适用于你生活的点点滴滴。This applies to everything in your life.

因为我沉得下来,我懂得怎么去把点点滴滴做好。I know how to get to the good bit by bit.

一颗驿动的心,记载着你的点点滴滴。A restless heart, recorded your bit by bit.

这些材料是点点滴滴收集来的。The materials have been gathered bit by bit.

丰富的知识是点点滴滴积累成的。In-depth knowledge is accumulated bit by bit.

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热恋时旳点点滴滴,为何变得没有魅力。Love the dribs and drabs, why not become charm.

他把报纸上点点滴滴有趣的新闻都读了。He read all the interesting bit in the newspaper.

点点滴滴都是回忆,挥挥衣袖怎么容易。——琼瑶。Dribs and drabs are memories, wave sleeve how easy.

十年寒窗的点点滴滴。The decade cold window orders intravenous drop drop.

坚持计划,并记录进步的点点滴滴。Stick with your plan and keep track of your progress.

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只有在点点滴滴一言一行中你能感受得到。Only in words and deeds in the little Didi you can feel.

因为我沉得下来,我懂得怎么去把点点滴滴做好。As I sink down, I know how to get to the good bit by bit.

站在阳光下、麻木的想着我爱你的点点滴滴,恍如隔世!Stand in the sun, numb think I love you bit by bit, warp!

想知道我们与戴阳天在普吉岛上旅游的点点滴滴吗?Do you want to know more about our trip to Phuket with DYT?

这种感觉涟漪般的,在我的心湖扩散,点点滴滴。This feeling ripples in my heart lake, diffusion, bit by bit.

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所以我们要学会感恩,感谢生命中的点点滴滴,。So we learn to appreciate and thank the dribs and drabs in life.

可,我就是抹不去你在我心中留下的点点滴滴…But, i donn't blot out that your dribs and drabs stay in my heart.

民主党的说法本该是怎样的呢?他们怎样串起事情的点点滴滴?What should the Democratic story be? How can they connect the dots?