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选才正规,做工精细,以可靠的诚信。Select only the formal and elegant, with reliable integrity.

该系统已成功应用于体育运动选才。The system has been successfully applied in the sport recruiting.

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笔记分析正在愈来愈多地充当职业选才向导并且成为面试中的一项附加测试内容。Handwriting analysis is increasingly being used for vocational guidance and as an adjunct to interviews.

在隋朝开始的科举选才,应试之风开始蔓延。Imperial selection started at the beginning of Sui Dynasty, so the tendency of examinations began to spread.

或许今天的足球和过去相比还不够好,但它比过去节奏更快,大型俱乐部更是全球范围选才。Soccer may not be better today, but certainly it is faster and its major clubs recruit players from a global talent pool.

除此之外,还有几千年来一直贯穿中国历史的学校选才制度。In addition, the school talents who has been running through China's history all the time for thousands of years choose the system.

为了实现这两个战略和新战术上的产品管理功能,选才时要对号入座。To fulfill both the strategic and the new tactical product management functions, pick personalities compatible with the task at hand.

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有时候最难做的直觉决定涉及选才——当你碰到一个有所有“合适条件”的求职者,但就是感觉有点不对劲时,不要用这个家伙。Sometimes the hardest gut calls involve picking people. You meet a candidate who has all the "right stuff, " but something nags at you. Don't hire the guy.

统治中国长达2000年的科举制度蕴涵着公平竞争、择优选才的文化精神。The civil service exam system, dominating China for more than 2000 years, containing a kind of cultural spirit of the fairness in competition and selection.

我所说的,是社会领导者做长远打算、以最佳立法方案解决问题、选才执政的能力。I am talking about the ability of a society’s leaders to think long term, address their problems with the optimal legislation and attract capable people into government.

详细办法将于四月公布,此英听测验将以提供大学选才和推甄参考为准。The detailed measures will be announced in April, and the English listening test will be provided as a standard for the university selection and recommendation processes.

反对盲战,隐图自强,他还首次提出了集选才、育才、用才三位一体的使才得用观。He was against blind wars and for covert striving to become strong. He was the first to put forth the point of view of selecting, cultivating and utilizing talented personnel.

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同时根据为企业咨询服务的实践经验和专业研究,针对企业招聘的难点、疑点,提出解决的方法和思路,为企业的人力资源选才、招聘提供借鉴与参考。According to the practices of enterprise advisory service, the paper presents the solutions as necessary references for the employment advertising of enterprise human resources.

本文为培养病原学研究生创新意识、创新性思维和动手实践能力,从选才、培养和成才三个方面建立了创新性人才培养模式。To train innovation and creative thinking and practical ability of graduate students in etiology, the innovative training model based on selection, training and acquisition was established.

树立依法选才、依法育才、依法用人的办事原则,为人才管理与培养建立良好的循环途径。Set up to choose by law to teach just and by law to handle affairs the principle with the person just and by law, behave to just manage to build up the good and circulating path with Training.

一个企业要有效地利用人力资源,发挥人才的作用,关键的一点是把好选才关,科学合理地招募与筛选优秀和适合的人才,提高招募与筛选的准确性和有效性。The key problems, checking on recruiting successfully and reasonably, improving the veracity and validity of the recruitment, are the focus for the human resource utilizing and bring into play.

本研究结果提供企业管理者可透过选才与塑造领导者的领导风格来提升成员的工作满足,进而提升团队的绩效。This research suggests that business managers could boost team performance by elevating the job satisfaction of the team members through personnel selection and molding leadership of the leader.

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开明的经济政策制定最难实行,鸠山在财政改革上支支吾吾,他宣称日本会等到2013年大选才会动摇税务体系。Enlightened economic policymaking suffers most. Mr Hatoyama prevaricates over fiscal reform, arguing that Japan should wait until the next general election in 2013 before shaking up the tax system.