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可是,盘古也累死了。But, Pan Gu has also been tired to death.

总之,宇宙即盘古,盘古即宇宙。In all, the universe and Pangu combine in one.

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第四种观点就是相对较晚的盘古神话。The fourth view is the relatively late myth of Pangu.

盘古在其中沉睡了无数的岁月,终于苏醒过来。After millions of years' sound sleep, Pangoo finally woke up.

盘古氏带领其家族垫台筑巢,造房建屋。Pangu's pad sets to lead his family's nest, building housing.

盘古大陆是史前形成的最后一块超大陆。Pangaea was the last supercontinent to form before the present.

用自己的话讲述“盘古开天辟地”的故事。In your own words, retell the legend, 'The Beginning of the World'

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又不知过了多少年,盘古终于倒下了。Nobody knows how many years passed and then Pangu finally fell down.

而盘古王开天辟地故事在民间广为流传。Wang and Pangu an epoch-making story in the civil widely circulated.

盘古开天不久,那时,天和地差不多连着。Pangu open days soon, then, heaven and the earth is almost connected.

而盘古身体中的生命体,因风所感,变成了老百姓。The vitality in Pangu, touched by the wind, turned into the common people.

在中国的野史中,记载的世界第一个人是盘古。开天辟地,并以躯体,创造了这个世界。Panggu was the first living being and the creator of all in Chinese mythology.

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原来我们要去的地方就是位于鸟巢和水立方一侧鼎鼎大名的“盘古七星酒店”。So it was revealed then our mystery destination was the Pangu Seven Star Hotel.

盘古是壮语“盘勾”的汉字记音。Pangu is the phonetic notation of Chinese characters to "Pangou" of Zhuang language.

讴歌我们的历史,有盘古开天辟地的神话,迸发出生命的光芒。Eulogizes our history, has the Pan Gu epoch-making myth, bursts out the life the ray.

尽管盘古大陆依然完整,不过可以听到大陆开始分裂的隆隆声。Though Pangea was intact, the first rumblings of continental break up could be heard.

盘古凭借着自己的神力终于把天地开辟出来了。可是,盘古也累死了。He finally succeeded in separating heaven from earth but he was also exhausted to death.

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“盘古”名字反映不同的历史进程和丰富的文化内涵。The name of "Pangu" reflects different historical periods and rich cultural connotation.

韦格纳说,大陆曾经是一个面积巨大的土地,他叫盘古大陆的一部分。Wegener said the continents had once been part of a huge area of land he called Pangaea.

动画呈现终极盘古大陆显示,未来学想法的大胆运作。An animated depiction of Pangea Ultima demonstrates a bold exercise in futuristic thinking.