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她对着父亲的遗体嚎啕大哭。She wailed over her father's remains.

那件坏消息使她嚎啕大哭。That bad news caused her emotinal outburst.

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那里会有嚎啕的声音以及等着咀嚼食物的牙齿。There shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

“我还这么年轻,怎么能就这么死掉?”她嚎啕大哭。of the plane. "I'm too young to die!" she wails.

您这样嚎啕大哭,就连石头听了都会心疼的呀。Thou weepest so that even a stone would show pity.

哇啊!我郴知盗这老兄一喝酒,客会嚎啕大哭。Gee! I do not know this guy cry so much he's drink.

研究还发现,男性和女性嚎啕大哭的原因也有所不同。The reasons for bawling differ too, the paper found.

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研究还发现,男性和女性嚎啕大哭的原因也有所不同。Thee reasons for bawling differ too, the paper found.

你们真该嚎啕!她是多么含羞转过背来!How hath Moab bowed down the neck, and is confounded !

当医生给我女儿注射麻醉药时,她开始嚎啕大哭。When he gave her a shot of Novocain, she began to cry.

然而当我问起妈妈的时候,她却嚎啕大哭了起来。But when I asked my mom what one was, she started crying.

一辆车碾了她的猫,使得她嚎啕大哭。She cried inconsolably when her cat was run over by a car.

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母亲在孩子的尸体旁嚎啕大哭。BEIJING — Mothers wailing over the bodies of their children.

艾德丽安今天在班上忽然就开始嚎啕大哭。Adrienne suddenly started crying and screaming in class today.

我巡回收票时,那小孩子正嚎啕大哭。When I went around to take up the tickets the child was bawling.

他们吓的屁滚尿流、痛苦呻吟、嚎啕大哭,还抱怨他们受了虐待。They whine, piss, moan, and complain that they're being mistreated.

一个妇女开始嚎啕大哭,说还有一个服务员埋在下面。A woman began crying, saying a waitress was still alive in the rubble.

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几分钟后,那匹马已经嚎啕大哭起来了。He returned a few minutes later, and the horse was bawling his eyes out.

当那女人听到他们的对话时忽然嚎啕大哭起来,以致昏厥过去。And when the woman heard these words she gave a loud cry, and fell into a swoon.

她把竹篮从水中捞起,那其实是我的弟弟在竹篮中嚎啕大哭。”She opened the basket up and there was my little brother, crying inside of thebasket.