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英语是玛丽的本国语。English is Mary's mother tongue.

他的本国同胞伏打指出,情况并非如此。Volta showed that this was not so.

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所有的建筑材料都将采自阿联酋本国。All materials will be quarried in the UAE.

他们一起能控制本国大多数市场。Together, they control most of the country.

看来美国飞本国的人也不在少数。A lot of people take flight within the states.

很抱歉,请问这儿是非本国人窗口吗?Excuse me. Is this the window for non-citizen ?

我在本国还从来没有见过这样的日落。I never saw a sunset like that in this country.

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抱歉,请问这是非本国人窗口吗?Excuse me , Is this the window for non-citizens?

是的,本国居民通道在我右侧。Residents can quene up in the lines to my right.

她把一些外币换成本国货币。She commuted some foreign currency to domestic.

他的本国同胞伏打指出,情况并非如此。His compatriot Volta showed that this was not so.

这些就降低了对本国货币的信心。All this reduces the confidence in fiat currencies.

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维护本国自身利益是很正当的。Sticking up for national self-interest is no crime.

希望咖喱牛肉和大米是从我们本国店铺的产品。Except the curry beef and rice from my local chippy.

我们通常与在国外的本国人民用平信联系。We usury correspond with OUr people abroad in clear.

此为本国发行人所无之规定。Domestic issuers are not subject to this requirement.

第三,发展倡议必须为本国所有。Third, development initiatives must be country-owned.

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他们宣布本国为无核区。They have declared their country a, nuclear-free zone.

而且,任何国家都有义务保护本国的公民。Moreover, any country has a right to protect its citizens.

中国在本国内把自己的空气、水体和土壤搞的乌七八糟。Domestically, it has exploited its own air, water and soil.