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要是他们全都上岸的话,我们就能够扼守住大船来作战。If they all go, why, we'll fight the ship.

通往宫殿的一切路途都有队伍扼守。All the approaches to the palace were guarded by troops.

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战士们扼守住山口,打退了敌人的进犯。The soldiers held the mountain pass and beat back the intruders.

焦山扼守着长江的咽喉,自古是兵家必争之地。Mte guardian of the Yangtze River by the throat, has always been contested.

滑铁卢战役之中,一旅英军扼守霍高蒙特农庄,英勇非常。The defence of Hougoumont by a British brigade at the Battle of Waterloo witnessed many courageous acts.

公司拥有完善的产品售后服务体系并扼守为客户提供优质产品的承诺。The company has perfect after service system and insisting on the promise "To supply superior quality product to customers".

在农夫球场,马克西罗德里格斯再度上演帽子戏法,帮助利物浦以5比2横扫富勒姆,继续扼守欧战席位。Another Maxi Rodriguez hat-trick helped Liverpool climb back into a European spot with a 5-2 win over Fulham at Craven Cottage.

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它同对面圣淘沙岛上的西乐索炮台一道,扼守着吉宝湾海港南面的入海口。Together with Fort Siloso on the opposite Sentosa Island, it guarded the entrance to the harbours in Keppel Bay from the southern sea.

项目位于沈阳皇姑区未来核心商务区,双面临街,路面交通好,扼守一环路与昆山西路双向城市主干道,中央枢纽通达全城。The project lies in the future core area of Huanggu District in Shenyang and surrounded by two roads which are at good traffic situation.

昌隆·都市春天位于笛扬商圈核心地脉,扼守笛扬路与兴越路交汇之“财富十字商圈”。Rectify, urban district in flute Yang in spring, the core of the classic with the same flute Yang of the road junction area "wealth cross."

公司地理位置优越,东濒上海,南倚苏州、无锡,北临长江,公司扼守沪宁走廊中部,沿江高速穿越其中,水、陆、空交通便捷。The company enjoys advantageous geographical location, with Shanghai to the near east, Suzhou and Wuxi to the near south and the Yangtze River to near north.

格鲁吉亚是外高加索地区的一个小国,地缘地理位置十分重要,扼守着里海能源进入黑海的咽喉。Georgia is outside the Caucasus region, a small country, an important geographical location, the guardian of the Caspian energy resources to the throat of the Black Sea.

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比赛后期,特里和卡瓦略多次用身体挡出射门和边路传球,完美地扼守住了防线,顶住了曼联反攻的压力。John Terry and Ricardo Carvalho closed the ball magnificently when United were turning on the pressure late in the game, throwing themselves in the line of shots and crosses.

扼守在娄山关上的敌人,是从乌江防线溃退下来的黔军第三旅林秀生部两个团,胆寒若惊弓之鸟。A critical point in the Loushanguan on the enemy line of retreat from the Wujiang River down by the Ministry of Qian Jun 3rd Brigade Lin Xiusheng two groups, terrified that if frightened.