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结果证明他不适合在商界工作…A career in commerce proved uncongenial for him.

他已在商界取得立足之地。He has gained a footing in the commercial world.

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这家公司已在商界牢固地确立了自己的地位。The company established itself firmly in business.

为什么那么多商界人士偏爱独资?Why do many business people prefer proprietorships?

你最崇拜的商界或科技界人物是哪位?What business or technology person do you admire most?

商界一直吹嘘着“中国价格”的乐趣。Business has bragged about the joys of the China Price.

他的前任妻子在商界很有名气。His ex-wife made a name for herself in the business world.

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辛勤工作,重回商界。所以,一切都不确定,看未来怎么发展吧。working, going back into the business world, so we'll see.

预计它将作为商界职业装的选项,于2010年又重新大热起来。It will be back big time in 2010 as a business-attire option.

商界代表们将参观堪萨斯城的一家咖啡烘烤店。Business delegates will visit a coffee roaster in Kansas City.

用户、商界和埃杜对iPad的热情持续高涨。Continue to see great enthusiasm from consumer, business, edu.

仙台的商界领袖似乎也没有什么更好的办法。Sendai's business leaders don't seem to have any better ideas.

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在商界,我们运用问卷调查、焦点小组与顾问。In business, we relied on surveys, focus groups and consultants.

潘恩先生切实地体现了华府与商界的关系。Mr Penn is the very embodiment of the Washington-business nexus.

如果你在国内商界党、联合党丢。If you're both in the home party business, throw a combined party.

早期的证券交易委员会与商界,势不两立There was a hostile attitude between business and the original SEC.

打卡钟提醒我们商界中时间的重要性。Punch clocks remind us of the importance of time in the business world.

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结果商界游说团反扑,加中关系冷却。The business lobby pushed back, and Canada-China relations were chilled.

每个人都受到魔鬼的诱惑??政界、商界、体育界,每个人。The devil tempts everyone -- people in politics, in economics, in sport.

这一思路也引起了商界、劳工界和环保组织的关注。Business, labor, and environmental groups have also seized on the concept.