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这口井是我的家。This well is my home.

是呀。这口井是我的家。Yes. This well is my home.

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在口井前,我将停留。At the well, I would stall.

这口井的钻具结构是什么?Whet is the BHA of this well.

那口井里几乎没有水了。There is little water in the well.

这口井几乎偏了30度角。The shaft inclines almost 30 degrees.

陈先生为这口井已尽了自己的责任。Mr. Chen has done his duty in this well.

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他们的丈夫正在附近挖一口井。Their husbands were digging a well nearby.

他跳进一口井里面,想躲过猛兽的追捕。He jumps into a well to avoid being caught.

这口井你们依然钻多久了?。How long haudio-videoe you drilled this well?

这口井是那口井的五倍深。This well is fives times as deep as that one.

这口井太深了而不能看到它的底部。This well is too deep to see the bottom of it.

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据说这口井很大,它的水是取之不尽用之不竭的。The well is, they say, great and inexhaustible.

这口井已钻到了设计深度。This well has been drilled to the planned depth.

一口井中开始测量的深度点或者是深度被定为零的测量点。The point in a well from which depth is measured.

她从那口井里打起一桶水。She dipped up a bucketful of water from that well.

这口井的狗腿度变化率不大。The dog-leg severity of this well is not very big.

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星期六以前就要开始打第一口井了。The first well will be spudded in before Saturday.

那口井孤零零地在院子中间。This well is isolated in the middle of the courtyard.

矮人城市中最深的那口井郑渐渐枯竭。The deepest wells in a dwarf city are slowly drying up.