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奥林匹克争先赛是一种团体赛。Olympic sprint is a team race.

运动员的冲刺,以争先赛的有关规则为准。Sprints shall be run according to the rules governing sprint races.

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你所听到的都是些国会成员争先抢后去填补领导层空缺的议论。That noise you hear is Congress rushing to fill the leadership vacuum.

在2008年奥运会上,郭爽在场地自行车女子争先赛中获得铜牌。Guo took the 3rd place at the 2008 Beijing Olympics in the women's sprint.

作为茶来喝,它的效果是很明显的,很多著名的歌唱家争先要买它。As a tea it is amazingly effective and many professional singers swear by it.

银行竞相追求市场份额,于是争先发放贷款。The banks fell over each other to lend money as they jostled for market share.

所有的鱼听完后都变得非常兴奋,争先要第一个去那里。Hearing this, all the other fish became very excited and rushed to be the first to go.

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父亲是那种事事争先,事事不求人的人。My father who always tries to do everything best and doesn't ask anybody for everything.

这些受惊的鸭子从一堵墙上被抛下水中,而下面的游泳者争先的想抓住它们。The terrified ducks were hurled from a wall into the water where swimmers grabbed and snatched to catch them.

电子银行作为各家商业银行争先发展的重点,市场竞争日趋激烈。E-banking is the focus that commercial banks want to develop and market competition becomes increasingly fierce.

如今这两个国家将争先让宇航员登上月球——两国都宣布计划在2020年左右做到。Now, the two nations will now compete to land a man on the moon —both have announced plans to do it by around 2020.

万物沐浴在静谧的空气中,就连平日里争先斗艳的紫苑,大丽花,向日葵和玫瑰也都缄默不语。Everything breathes an air of stillness, the silence rent by the exuberant color of asters, dahlias, sunflowers and roses.

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早上七点钟,我们奉命起床,然后冲进浴室争先洗脸,然后胡乱吞下自己的那份面包和茶。At seven we were awakened, and rushed forth to squabble over the water in the bathroom, and bolt our ration of bread and tea.

就在不久之前,昆山专业英文翻译一大群人聚集在河桥上争先目睹这个小镇河流里一个神秘的不明漂流物。And before long a large crowd had gathered in Bridgwater to catch a glimpse of the 'unidentified floating object' in the town's river.

就在不久之前,一大群人聚集在河桥上争先目睹这个小镇河流里一个神秘的不明漂流物。And before long a large crowd had gathered in Bridgwater to catch a glimpse of the 'unidentified floating object' in the town's river.

菲米娜有了新客户,需求一位责任编纂,红果正在举手自荐,却被艾达争先一步。Phillips has new customers, between the demand a responsibility, red fruits are compiled hands, but be recommendation IDA scrambling step.

勤奋争先的美国梦正在向彩票思维让步,我妈妈认为损害墨西哥经济的正是这类彩票思维。The American dream, of working hard and getting ahead, is starting to succumb to that lottery mentality my mother saw hurting Mexico's economy.

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他们依靠两人一体的组合连在一起,在这个组合中卡洛斯•特维斯和艾丁•哲科奋勇争先,一度给诺士郡造成极大威胁。They hinged on the one-two combination with which Carlos Tevez and Edin Dzeko condemned a brave and at one point menacing Notts County to the sword.

自中国政府为缓解交通拥堵出台汽车限购令后,北京市民争先申请汽车牌照。Residents in Beijing rushed to apply for new vehicle licenses under a quota system started Jan. 1 as China’s government seeks to ease traffic congestion.

在短道竞速滑冰比赛中,四到六名选手互相争先,在一百一十一公尺的椭圆形跑道上绕行竞赛,途中常会互相碰撞。In short-track speed skating, four to six skaters jockey for position and often bump one another as they race several times around a 111-meter oval track.