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她坐在高高的单杠上哭起来。Beth sat high on the monkey bars crying.

体操运动员们在单杠上练习。This is only an exercise in composition.

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有一天,我一个人在外面爬单杠。One day I was playing on a horizontal bar by myself.

我也喜欢单杠.但只有男子体操才有这个项目.对么?I like the high bar , too. It is only for male gymnasts , right?

在附近的公园找一个树干或单杠来锻炼你上半身的力量。Grab a tree trunk or monkey bar at the local park to build upper body strength.

日本的一个超级狗狂欢节上,一只狮子狗正在跨越单杠。A Toy Poodle jumps over a crossbar during the Super Dogs Carnival in Tokorozawa, Japan.

鸟笼里的人,单杠。人在单杠上做着体操举动。Human and Horizontal Bar in a birdcage. A man is performing gymnastics on a Horizontal Bar.

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中国体操运动员邹凯在周二进行的奥运会单杠决赛中获得金牌。Zou Kai of China won the horizontal gold medal at the Beijing Olympic Games here on Tuesday.

自从我在单杠上看到你的那天,你对我说要嫁给我开始,我就知道我爱上了你。Ever since I saw you on the monkey bars, saying you were going to marry me. I knew I loved you.

此外,我坚持做一些体育锻炼,比如跑步、和单杠等。In addition, I insist on do some physical training such as running, and horizontal bar as well.

他发明了一些体操器械,包括双杠单杠和吊环。He invented several pieces of equipment including the parallel bars, the horizontal bar and the rings.

小操场上有很多体育器械,如单杠、双杠等等。Small playground equipment, there are a lot of sports, such as the horizontal bar, parallel bars and so on.

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对单杠等器材需要用拉线固定,使用时间长了会松动。Facilities like horizontal bar should be fixed by bracing wires because of the looseness caused in long time.

我的优点就是爱动,每天早上我都到外面锻炼,跑跑步,玩玩单杠等。My point is that love dynamic, and every morning I exercise, for a run outside, playing the high bar and so on.

再过几年,假如我在操场上看到儿子从单杠上跌下来的时候,或许不会惊恐万分。When I am on the playground years from now, watching my son take a fall from the monkey bars, I might not panic.

男子个人单项包括自由体操、跳马、鞍马、单杠、双杠和吊环。The individual events for men include floor exercise, vault, pommel horse, horizontal bar, parallel bars, and rings.

与其不断地陷入计划目标模型里,不如现在放松一会儿,去趟运动场,我听说那的单杠很有趣。Instead of constantly being in project mode, take a trip now and then to the playground. I hear the monkey bars are fun.

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我的优点就是爱动,每天早上我都到外面锻炼,跑跑步,玩玩单杠等。The advantage is that I love animals, every morning I have to exercise outside, go running, play with the horizontal bar.

单杠向后大回环脱手的原因主要是倒立后摆阶段抬头、挺胸、塌腰和悬垂前摆时翻腕等技术错误,以及思想和肌肉过度紧张等。The reasons of hand leaving in horizontal bar giant swing backward such as technical error and muscle tension etc. Were analyzed.

实验证明,认识练习法应用于单杠长振屈伸上技术教学中,能够促进学生对动作的正确认识和快速掌握。The result showed that the application of cognition practice method could promote the student to understand and master the skill quickly and correctly.