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刁德贵怀疑于大海是八路。DiaoDeGui suspected that the sea is no.

被八路小分队队长包卫国及时拦住。By eight team captain Bao Weiguo timely stop.

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而与此同时,八路也得到了消息,准备开始转移。And at the same time, eight-way also got the news, ready to move.

八路12位,串行输入,内部参考电压输出。Octal 12-bit, Serial Input, Voltage Output with Internal Reference.

八路三态同相D触发器。谷高性能CMOS门。Octal 3-state noninverting D flip-flop. High-performance silicon-gate CMOS.

八路D触发器具有三态输出。在十三英寸卷轴运设备。Octal D flip-flop with TRI-STATE outputs. Devices shipped in 13 inches reels.

八路三态反相透明锁存器。谷高性能CMOS门。Octal 3-state inverting transparent latch. High-performance silicon-gate CMOS.

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三态输出的八路D触发器。商业级设备老化。Octal D flip-flop with TRI-STATE outputs. Commercial grade device with burn-in.

八路三态同相透明锁存器。谷高性能CMOS门。Octal 3-state noninverting transparent latch . High-performance silicon-gate CMOS.

八路D触发器与普通时钟和复位失败。高性能硅栅CMOS。Octal D flip-flop with common clock and reset . High-performance silicon-gate CMOS.

公司位于中国上海市嘉定区金园八路388号。Company is located in Jiading District, Shanghai, China, No. 388 Jin Park, eight-way.

八路三态同相D触发器透明。谷高性能CMOS门。Octal 3-state noninverting transparent D flip-flop. High-performance silicon-gate CMOS.

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为表忠心,让日军信得过,狗娃向猿飞保证一定会杀了三个八路。Faithful for the table, let the Japanese trustworthy, gowardesh assure fly apell kill three eight-way.

牛大仁向金戈说起遇上八路少了一个人,逃走的那个人向日军汇报情况。Cattle great mercy to Mr About met no less a person, the man who fled to report back to the Japanese army.

最后,还任命上官于飞为狐牙峰八路支队的副政委。Finally, also appointed shangguan form for fox tooth peak. 8 deputy political commissar of the detachment.

八路小分队得知消息之后准备出发,王晋山匆忙赶到,告诉了杏花牺牲卡尔下落不明的消息。A small team of eight road news after going, Wang Jinshan hurried to tell the Xinghua, sacrifice Carle missing news.

我们先乘三路公交车,然后在人民剧场换乘八路车,从那里步行只有五分钟。First we will take the No. 3 bus, and then change to No. 8 at Peoples' Theater. From there it is only five minutes' walk.

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要先思考清楚加入八路会面对什么情况,枣花依然坚定的表示要加入八路军。Must first think clearly with eight road will face what kind of situation, Zaohua remains firmly said to join the eight army.

并基于FPGA采用此方法实现了八路雷达信号实时正交解调接收的设计。Then an efficient 8-channel real-time radar signal quadrature demodulation receiver with this method is implemented based on FPGA.

详细设计了一种基于AD590和AT89C51的低成本、远距离传输八路温度巡回检测系统。A kind of eight-channel, low-cost, long-distance transmission temperature touring detection system was designed in detail based on AD590 and AT89C51.