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他脸盘狭小,其貌不扬。His face was small and ugly.

他宽大的脸盘上布满了深深的皱纹。He has a large, generous face with deep lines.

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她是一个很平常的姑娘,长着一个方脸盘,相貌呆板。She was a plain girl with a square face blunt features.

她是一个很平常的姑娘,长着一个方脸盘,相貌呆板。She was a plain girl with a square face and blunt features.

他的头发就如同黑色丝缎窗帘披在他的宽脸盘上。It fell like black satin curtains on either side of his broad face.

走近了,她看见他轮廓清晰的脸盘,下巴上有道小逢。Close up, she could see his chiseled face, a small cleft in his chin.

他是一个宽肩膀大脸盘身材结实,长着浓密的络腮胡子的家伙。He is a broad-shouldered and big faced stout guy with thick whiskers.

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这两兄弟长得很像,不过哥哥的脸盘宽大些。The two brothers are much alike, but the elder is broader in the face.

今晚的月亮开始露笑脸,圆圆的脸盘多甜蜜!Tonight the moon began to uncover smiling face, round face sweet honey!

从年龄上看,他不该长这么肥胖。他脸盘很大,而肤色灰白。He was big and stout for his age, with a large face and an unhealthy skin.

他脸盘很大、很长,浓眉大眼,颧骨突出。He had a large, long face, with strongly pronounced eyebrows and cheekbones.

研究人员日前称,具有攻击性的人很容易被认出,因为他们长着“一眼即可看出”的宽脸盘。Aggressive people are easy to spot because they have instantly recognizable wide faces, researchers claim.

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不过需求勇气啊,这样看你发型和脸盘还蛮搭配的,剪短后就不知道效果了!But demand courage, ah, think of you quite a mix of hair and Lianpan, cut short after the effect of the do not know!

长相方面,他很强壮,身高一米八,体格结实,方脸盘,留着偏分发型,短发飘飘如丝般。As to his looks, he is very strong, about 1.8 meters tall, well built, with a square face. He wears short flowing silky hair with a side part.

西尔弗已经把他的帽子扔到了他旁边的地上,他的光滑、白皙的大脸盘正热切地闪着光,对着另一个人的脸,作出一副恳求的表情。Silver had thrown his ha beside him on the ground, and his great, smooth, blond fact all shining with heat, was lifted to the other man's in a kin' of appeal.

西尔弗已经把他的帽子扔到了他旁边的地上,他的光滑、白皙的大脸盘正热切地闪着光,对着另一个人的脸,作出一副恳求的表情。Silver had thrown his hat beside him on the ground, and his great, smooth, blond face, all shining with heat, was lifted to the other man's in a kind of appeal.

躺在床上,看不到你心痛搂抱我的样子,听不到你急切呼叫我名字的声音,也感觉不出你咸咸泪水滴落在我脸上的味道,好想抚摩一下你动人的脸盘啊!Lying in bed, can not see you sad embrace of me, can not hear you call my name urgent voices, you feel no tears fell on my face, salty taste, what you really want to stroke moving Lianpan ah!