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有些是有毒的。Some is toxic.

他有些鹤发了。He has grey hairs.

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有些国家还将发动战争。Some will go to war.

李允有些担忧了。Li Yun to worry some.

有些食品变酸了。Some food turns acid.

有些是在气相混合物里。Some in gas mixtures.

有些人就像这些交通枢纽。Some people are hubs.

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有些蛇会游水。Some snakes can swim.

有些人在酒吧间。Some were at the bar.

有些射手射技很差。Some-men shoot badly.

所以有些人宁愿不去医院。Some prefer not to go.

有些人还在拭去脸上的泪水。Some wiped away tears.

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有些工人住在厂外。Some workers live out.

有些是图画书。Some are picture books.

有些驳船有帆。Some barges have sails.

有些纸被弄得起了皱纹。Some paper is crinkled.

有些东西存在着错误。Yet something is amiss.

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听上去有些愚蠢It sounds kind of silly.

有些人还挂灯串。Some also string lights.

该代码有些冗长。This is very wordy code.