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他已经向你求和了。He has sued for peace to you.

战犯求和。The war criminals sue for peace.

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因此是对所有分子能量的求和。So it would be the sum over all energies.

以至于我们可以把求和变成积分。That we can turn the sums into integrals.

那么我们用积分代替求和。So then we have integrals instead of sums.

最圆满的果报是无希求和恐惧。Supreme fruition is without hope and fear.

发现用QCD求和规则不能解决问题。The QCD sum rule cannot solve the problem.

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等于对n1求和。Is equal to the sum over quantum number n1.

玩游戏时支持悔棋、求和、认输功能。Play games support undo, sum, losing function.

要是这一项也能写成求和就好了。And it would be nice if I could find a sum here.

在米诺斯的挑战下,雅典人向米诺斯王求和。In MiNuoSi challenge, Athens to MiNuoSi king peace.

这个求和叫做配分函数。Just these sums, what are called partition functions.

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通常对所有可以允许的态进行求和。In general we would sum over all the available states.

在这里我们是对分子状态的求和。But we doing a sum over the individual molecular states.

因此这些求和可以分离成单个的因子。So I can factor out all these sums into a factor of sums.

告诉我们分子处于哪个能级。,And,that,little,n,tells,you,which,energy,state,that,molecule,is。,对所有能量求和就得到微观状态能量。n And the sum of all these energies is your microstate energy.

曾主张抗金,反对割地求和。Argued against king, opposed to cede territory and ask for peace.

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而第九章则是一种认罪的代求和恒切的祷告。There are intercessory as well as persistent prayers in chapter 9.

选用克希霍夫积分求和法实现三维叠前深度偏移。Achieve the 3-D prestack depth migration after Kirchhoff summation.

他显出一副息事求和的样子,用手背抹了一下鼻子。He drew the back of his hand across his nose with a conciliatory air.