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嗨,我可能在家里,但我不想给我讨厌的人回电话。Hi. I am probably home.

唐说他过后会回电话来。Don said he's call back later.

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告诉他过会儿我再给他回电话。Tell him I’ll call him back later.

不要回复邮件,不要回电。Don’t answer emails or phone calls.

可以请他回电吗?Could you ask him to return my call?

无缘无故的是她也没给我回电话。No reason why she didn't call me back.

有空请回电话给我。Pleae give me a call when you are free.

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迪卡米洛说,如果受访人用西班牙语回答提问,该组织就安排能讲西语的工作人员回电话。And if the person answers the telephone in Spanish?

王先生打完电话、电话员回电话给他。After Mr. Wang finishes his call, operator call back.

如果你晚上给我回电话,我会非常感激.I would appreciate it if you call me back this evening.

好的,李先生一回来,我就让他给你回电话。OK, I'll ask Mr Lee to buzz you as soon as he gets aback.

在收到索要的物资时,确保回电向OFDA报告。Be sure to cable OFDA upon receipt of the requested items.

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我五点钟打电话给他,可是他直到六点钟才回电话。I called him up at five, but he didn't call back till six.

如对这些商品感兴趣,请立即回电示告。Please wire or telegraph me promptly, if you are interested.

我给她留了几次言,但她还没有给我回电话。I left her several messages, but she hasn't returned my call.

联合国对关于这个质疑没有回电发表评论。The U.N. did not return calls seeking comment on the scandal.

明天上午我得到更多的信息以后给你回电话。I'll call you back tomorrow morning when I get more information.

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科罗拉多州国民兵部队则对询问电话没有回电。The Colorado National Guard did not return a call seeking comment.

此盘有效期至收到你方回电为止。This offer will remain open until receipt of your wire per return.

亲爱的斯林,你始终没有回电或回信,希望这不过是一个巧合Dear Slim, you still ain't called or wrote, I hope you have a chance