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它会相互影响。It's interacted.

什么是相互依赖?What is codependence?

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你们相互认识吗?Do you know ech other?

那么,不同的人相互吸引吗“So "opposites attract?"

这种反感是相互的。The antipathy is mutual.

他们目光相互对视。They looked at each other.

的蓝环相互辉映。Has embraced the blue ring.

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这是一种相互影响。It's an interaction effect.

关键就在于相互依赖性。The key is interdependency.

他们相互举手击掌互致敬意。They high-fived each other.

他们用手势语相互交谈。They talk in sign Language.

信任应当是相互的。We should trust each other.

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它们相互支持。They all support each other.

我们相互关联的东西。We are inter-related things.

三鞠躬,尊重是相互的。Three bow, respect is mutual.

你们就有更多时间相互联络了。You'll have more time to bond.

所以,我觉得相互协助非常重要。I believe in giving-and taking.

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或者它们只是影响最初的相互吸引?or just the initial attraction?

它是一种相互依赖的较量。It is an interdependent rivalry.

孩子们喜欢成群结伙相互攻击。Children like to gang each other.