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通透的玻璃杯荡漾着美酒流芳。Red wine popple sweet in glass.

湖水荡漾。There were ripples on the lake.

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阳光在水上荡漾。The sunlight plays on the water.

他年轻强壮的身体使她春心荡漾。She desires his young, strong body.

双喜临门大歌荡漾。Double Happiness great Google waves.

淡淡的香气,荡漾在心尖之上。Faint aroma, rippling over the apex.

玩具帆船在池塘上荡漾。The toy sailboat danced on the pond.

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他坐在碧波荡漾的水中。He sat the water all about him green-blue.

乳色的墙壁上荡漾着光辉。The cream-coloured walls glowed with light.

大家往前看,这就是碧波荡漾的昆明湖。You see, this is the rippling Lake Kunming.

你我紧紧相拥任喜悦荡漾。We hugged each other tightly with great joy.

离大楼不远,就是碧波荡漾的大海。And out there was the benign and smiling sea.

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一声声都有你的名字在荡漾。Because thy name moes right in what they say.

一声声都有你的名字在荡漾。Because thy name moves right in what they say.

初升的太阳犹如熔化的金子在水中荡漾。The rising sun danced in water like molten gold.

这种不由自主的回音轻轻的荡漾在耳际。Involuntarily the echoes are gently about the ear.

健身的人们脸上荡漾着快乐的笑容。Fitness undulated in the face of people happy smile.

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迎隐晦之风我猛吸气轻风荡漾心旗。As I inhale the impalpable breezes that set in upon me.

这动人的一幕一直在我心中荡漾。The moving scene is still tippling in my heart till now.

电影里那碧波荡漾的洪湖,在现实中却是那样平凡!The aftershock of waves in the movie is so average in fact.