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这个词以辅音结尾。The word ends in -ous.

你的结尾游戏是什么?What is your end game?

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影片结尾时乔对凯瑟琳深情地说。The film is to end Joe.

这个故事是怎么结尾的?How does the story end up?

这本书以悲剧结尾。The book ended in tragedy.

这段是小说的结尾。This passage ends the novel.

这个词以辅音结尾。The word ends in a consonant.

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这是一场没有结尾的战争。But this is a war without end.

名称不能以连字符结尾。The name cannot end with a dash.

我以此做结尾。And I will end just on this note.

分号标志一行的结尾。The semicolons to terminate lines.

他用一句谚语作为文章的结尾。He ended the article with a prover.

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然后还有这个结尾的快板!And then this Allegretto at the end!

上回路加福音结尾是这样的。Last time in Luke it ended this way.

你们有注意到前置词结尾吗?Did you catch the prepositional ending?

库仑力就是这个故事的结尾。They're Coulombic forces, end of story.

好的开始导致好的结尾。A good begining makes for a good ending.

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最后,我们以一些emo音乐结尾吧。Finally, lets close with some emo music.

该路经必须以零结尾。The path must end with a null character.

你们管结尾的那"邦"的一声叫什么What do you call that "Boom" At the end?