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小胡同里,一名球员追球的时候居然展现了一手“飞檐走壁”的绝活儿。In a back alley, a player runs up the side of a wall while chasing down a ball.

片中人物能飞檐走壁、以刀剑进行惊险对决。Characters leap over rooftops, walk up walls, and cross swords in breathtaking duels.

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因为滑行比在树丛中飞檐走壁要快上10倍,这也让它们有更多的时间睡觉。Colugos can sail 10 times faster than they can tightrope through the canopy. Which leaves more time to snack.

理论上,这种手套能让人飞檐走壁,但也能让宇航员在太空中有效地攀爬。In theory, this could allow humans to walk up walls, but also could allow astronauts to cling on to things efficiently in space.

我们中的一些人如同孩子一样,一见蜘蛛侠的灵敏身手及飞檐走壁的绝技就无法自拔地妒意顿生,敬畏有加。Some of us, as children, saw Spider-man's amazing agility and web-swinging prowess and were immediately struck with jealous awe.

我们中的一些人如同孩子一样,一见蜘蛛侠的灵敏身手及飞檐走壁的绝技就无法自拔地妒意顿生,敬畏有加。Some of us, as children, saw Spider-man’s amazing agility and web-swinging prowess and were immediately struck with jealous awe.

其实在西湖,就有一批这样的武林高手,以飞檐走壁而著称。Actually, we have a group of such Kungfu heroes on West Lake. They are famous for their capability of leaping onto roofs and vaulting walls.

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你知道电影里那个具有超凡能力、能够飞檐走壁的蜘蛛人吗?Do you know the spider man who has super power and skills in this popular film?He could climb on the wall of any high buildings freely and rapidly.

地底蜥蜴藉着他们三趾黏足的帮助,可以像蜘蛛一样飞檐走壁,也因此成为众人喜爱的坐骑。Subterranean lizards, with their sticky and soft three-toed feet, were preferred mounts for just this ability to scale stone as easily as a spider.

布拉德·伯德拍摄了一个阿汤哥只身在164层的世界第一高楼迪拜塔外所上演的飞檐走壁的场景。Director Brad Bird shot an action scene involving Tom Cruise swinging from the tallest building in the world -- the 164-story Burj Khalifa in Dubai.

当吕四娘飞上宫墙的时候,宫内已经一片骚乱,她飞檐走壁,轻松脱身。Pawn Lv when four mothers fly to a palace wall, a disturbance , she are in utero already fly from house to house and walk on walls , relaxed get away.

小的时候身手非凡灵敏,整天“飞檐走壁”,从各个人家的仓房顶上飞跑而过。Small when skill is particularly nimble, all the day " leap onto roofs and vault over walls " , spank from the warehouse top of each other peoples and pass.

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飞檐走壁的中国馆内设戏院、佛堂与茶室,戏曲杂技演员轮番表演,吸引了如潮的游客。An opera house, a Buddhist pavilion, a tea hourse and other fixtures drew a great number of visitors. Chinese actors and craftsmen displayed their talents to the world.

日本警方日前在一位建筑工人的家里发现了4000多件女士内衣,这可是他利用从工地上学来的“飞檐走壁”的技巧盗取的。Police found more than 4, 000 pieces of lingerie in the home of a Japanese construction worker who used climbing skills developed on his job to steal women's underwear.