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使之社交化。Make it social.

一个社交玩意?A social thingy?

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社交活动。The social life.

做社交媒体,务求完美。Be social, do good.

我只有在社交场合下才饮酒。I only drink socially.

关于这一点,社交名媛帕里斯•希尔顿就是现成的例子。Just ask Paris Hilton.

活用社交网站。Use social networking.

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社交恐惧症是什么?What is social phobia?

成为社交领袖。Be a gregarious leader.

参加社交活动,好好玩!Socialize and Have Fun!

她是社交花蝴蝶。She is asocial butterfly.

社交也游刃有余。I was doing well socially.

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微笑是社交信号。Smiles are social signals.

你是社交变色龙吗?Are You a Social Chameleon?

一个社交网络性质的游戏网站。A social networking fansite.

它能改善你的社交生活。It improves your social life.

社交乐观主义者或悲观主义者?Social optimist or pessimist?

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全城摒弃他于社交之外。The whole city blackballed him.

移动社交是门大生意。Social mobility is big business.

同样对社交也是成立的。The same is true of socializing.