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你设定目标了吗?Have you set goals?

所以我设定在第二档。So I set mine to 2.

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为工作设定界限。Set limits for work.

这是完全相同的设定。It's the very same setup.

高度表设定好了没有?Did you set the altimeter?

焊锡时间可以根据不同要求设定。Time of solder can be set.

通常情况下设定一个领头者。Always, always have a lead.

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设定新时区错误。Error setting new timezone.

清除所有编辑器偏好设定键。Clears all editor prefs keys.

文件中无效的设定选项。Invalid setting in the MSDOS.

将价格设定在垄断价格Pricing at the monopoly price.

递廻查寻设定键。Search for a key, recursively.

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清除所有编辑器偏好设定键。Clear all the editor prefs keys.

设定标准而且黏住他们。Set standards and stick to them.

使用秒表并且设定时间。Use a stopwatch and set a limit.

他失去了设定目标的能力。He lost the ability to set goals.

我是一个目标设定法的倡导者。I am a proponent of setting goals.

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安装一个设定程序的恒温调节器。Install a programmable thermostat.

在X所设定的本位币为人民币。The base currency set in X is RMB.

目标设定在本质是上一样的。The same is true for goal-setting.