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然后你投钱进去,他们就移动。and you put money in and they move.

那么我为什么要在市场跌跌不休时往里投钱呢?So why am I buying when the market is plunging?

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你应当做的其实就是去找到一个解决方案,然后不停的投钱。You just pay for whatever is needed and find a way to do that.

保罗为了到圣殿去投钱,刚回耶路撒冷。Paul had just come back to Jerusalem to present money at the temple.

相反,一家得到建设资金的公司投钱造了个新的停车场。Instead, one of the companies who got the money built a new parking lot.

航空公司没有利润可言,自然也就很难投钱开发更好的产品。When airlines don't have profits, it's hard to invest in a better product.

在金融危机的境况下,他们怎么敢这样大笔大笔地往外投钱?How dare they throw away such colossal quantities of money in times of crisis?

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胜利心中还对刘建民给美丽投钱出书的事耿耿于怀。Victory in the heart of LiuJianMin cast money for beautiful things from the book.

无奈亦名只能去找朱总,可是朱总不愿意再投钱,还让他把那一百万给他个交代。But also can only go to zhu always, but zhu always unwilling to money, also let him give him the one million.

至于这些国家是否会真的投下大量资金,以及如果真投钱又会有哪些条件等,目前尚不清楚。It isn't clear whether such countries will actually invest substantial amounts and, if so, under what conditions.

他和我争斗了3年,而且热衷于反对我们的利益——我甚至想过对投钱给我的那家伙动怒。He fought me for 3 years and actively worked against our interests – I think to spite the guy who put in the money.

这表明了,电影业界应该停止在这些昂贵的狮子上面投钱,而是把注下在那群新鲜的羔羊们身上。Which suggests that the industry should stop paying for the pricey lions and place their bets on a flock of fresh lambs.

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话虽如此,不过还有几个重要的原因使得中国可能会投钱到纾困计划或是购买其他形式债券。Yet there are still strong reasons that China might park some of its funds in the bailout scheme or some other bond offering.

新公司一般都要筹集一些外部资金,但投资者却不大愿意在不景气时期投钱。Startups generally need to raise some amount of external funding, and investors tend to be less willing to invest in bad times. They shouldn't be.

问题在于,Interpublic的客户,或者其他在该网站上投钱做营销的公司,是否也抱持同样乐观的看法。The question is whether Interpublic's clients, or the rest of the companies throwing money at marketing efforts on the site, have the same rosy glow.

清洁能源投资者们在豪赌,赌的是已投资的该行业的政府与纳税人最终会继续大量投钱进去。Yet clean-energy investors are gambling, essentially, that governments and the taxpayers who fund them will continue to spend lavishly on the industry.

耶稣对着圣殿的银库坐着,看到有很多人投钱入库,奉献钱财给上帝,有钱人投了很多钱。And He sat down opposite the treasury, and began observing how the people were putting money into the treasury, and many rich people were putting in large sums.

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作为收购大部分股权的一部分,席梦思床品公司不再向公司养老金计划投钱,因为那是由员工持股计划来支付员工的退休金的。As part of the buyout, Simmons stopped contributing to its pension plan, since the stock ownership plan shares were meant to pay for the employees’ retirements.

在农民需要用水的地方,在农民需要用水的时候,这个世界却没有干净、可靠的水源,这使得灌溉业成为我想投钱的行业之一。A world that's running out of clean, dependable supplies of water located where and when farmers need it makes irrigation one of the trends I'd like to invest in.

欧洲官员早已在拉拢中国为这样一个的基金投钱,可是中国、巴西和俄罗斯都明确地表示了他们只会通过国际货币基金组织去投资的意思。European officials already have courted China to contribute to such a fund, but China, Brazil and Russia have made clear that they want to invest through the IMF.