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第二部分是对边塞地区的描绘。The twice part depicts the frontier fortress.

李益是中唐前期著名的诗人,以擅长写边塞诗闻名。Li Yi was a famous poet in the middle of Tang Dynasty.

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边塞地区,有一个老人的马跑丢了。An old man living in the frontier area lost one of his horses.

某些词跑在疆域,就是边塞民歌。Run in the territory of certain words, that is, folk frontier fortress.

横吹曲题目中的大部分被文人们赋咏为边塞诗,横吹曲辞与边塞诗是有关系的。Most of the songs in Hengchui Ballads were supposed as border poems by scholars.

关于边塞诗的概念存在混乱现象。The are some confusion phenomena about the conception of frontier fortress poem.

主要从爱情词、友情词和边塞词看纳兰词不同风格的美。Mainly from lovers'feelings, the friend feelings and the frontier fortress words.

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宋代边塞诗词对唐代边塞诗的继承与发展。Secondly, the Song Frontier Poems'inheritance and development of the Tang Frontier Poems.

边塞诗一向被认为是属于盛唐的一个题材。It is always regarded that frontier fortress was a tipical theme in piping time of the Tang Dynasty.

中唐边塞诗中饱含的爱国情怀对宋代爱国诗词的影响也很大。And also the patriotism filled in these poems influenced the patriotic poems of Song Dynasty greatly.

唐代是边塞诗发展的极盛时期,中唐大历十才子和盛唐边塞诗派都写作了大量的边塞诗作。Tang Dynasty is a period of great prosperity in which plenty of frontier fortress poems were written.

它是英国军队很重要的一个边塞城镇,然后成长成为一个皮革制品的主要产地。It was a huge garrison town for the British army and then grew into a major producer of leather goods.

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而在诸多意象中,大雁突破怀乡思亲的原型意象约束,用语言的陌生化形式表现坚贞爱情和边塞爱国之情。The wide goose is not confined to its old image but shows its faithful love and country-loving feeling.

杨牧是我国当代著名的“新边塞诗派”的代表诗人。Yang Mu is a representative poet of "School of New Frontier Fortress Poetry" at the present age of China.

王维除山水诗外,边塞诗也写得很出色。Apart from the landscape style poems, Wang Wei is also remarkable in the composition of frontier fortress poems.

汉魏六朝乐府诗中的边塞诗,无论在内容还是形式上,对唐边塞诗都有直接的巨大的影响。The frontier fortress poetry of the official conservatory in Han Dynasty has a direct and great effect on Tang's.

以往的文学史一般把边塞诗派作为盛唐时期的产物,这一论断造成了一种误解,即只有盛唐时期才有边塞诗歌。The poetry about frontier fortress was regarded as the result of Sheng Tang Dynasty in the previous literary history.

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文人漫游主要有山水游、宦游、边塞游、隐游等形式,他们的漫游对唐代文学产生了深刻影响。The article exposes that the poetry of frontier fortress in Tang Dynasty reveals the pioneering spirit in Tang literature.

岑参边塞诗中的景色描写,直观地体现了崇高美的内涵。The scenery described in the Cen Can frontier fortress poetry has directly embodied the connotation of the sublime beauty.

杰尼索夫微微一笑,从皮囊里取出一条散发着香水气味的手帕,向涅斯维茨基的鼻孔边塞去。Denisov smiled, pulled out of his sabretache a handkerchief that diffused a smell of scent, and put it to Nesvitsky's nose.