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含有鸦片酊的饮料。A drink laced with laudanum.

所以说到底是谁需要鸦片酒呢?Who, Ithought, needs laudanum?

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鸦片酊是鸦片的衍生物。Laudanum is a derivative of opium.

法律禁吸鸦片。Opium taking is prohibited by law.

你服用鸦片酊多长时间了?。How long have you been taking laudanum?

碱、砷和鸦片都是毒药。Strychnine, arsenic, and opium are poison.

马钱子碱、砷和鸦片都是毒药。Strychnine, arsenic, and opium are poison.

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为了镇定自己的神经,他开始服鸦片酊。To calm his mind he began to take laudanum.

一天,一个朋友给了她一根烟管和鸦片。One day, a friend offered her a pipe and opium.

军阀与鸦片结下了不解之缘。Warlord and opium forge the indissoluble bound.

有人向医生询问为什么鸦片能使人睡着?So somebody ask the doctor why opium makes one sleep?

要找到一家鸦片博物馆,你须得走很长的路。You have to travel a long way to find an opium museum.

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现代鸦片馆回来了。蠢男人们。The modern version of the Opium Den returns. Poor sods.

麻醉药包括吗啡,鸦片,海洛因和美沙酮。Narcotics include morphine, opium, heroin and methadone.

第三天,他们就交出了两万箱鸦片。On the third day, they handed over 20000 chests of opium.

1970年东南亚的高纯度海洛因和鸦片泛滥成灾。In 1970, high-grade heroin and opium flooded Southeast Asia.

在缅甸,鸦片仍然主导麻醉品贸易。Still, it is opium that dominates the narcotics trade in Burma.

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位于巴达赫尚省一块地里的一颗罂粟果分泌出鸦片膏。A poppy bulb oozes opium paste in a fieldin Badakhshan Province.

在阿富汗巴达赫尚省的一片田地里,一颗罂粟球茎缓缓地渗出鸦片浆液。A poppy bulb oozes opium paste in a field in Badakhshan Province.

在国内将鸦片提纯可以使毒品走私更加容易。Refining the opium in-country makes smuggling it out much easier.