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那只湿淋淋的狗猛摇身体。The wet dog shook itself.

湿淋淋的树叶滴着水。The wet leaves drop water.

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他突然从头到脚都湿淋淋地淌着汗。Sweat suddenly drenched him from head to toe.

比肚子被湿淋淋的鱼撞一下强。Better than a slap in the belly with a wet fish.

吉米到了水里,上来时浑身湿淋淋的。Jimmy had gone into the water and returned dripping wet.

她开了门,外面站着一个湿淋淋、浑身发抖的小女孩。Outside stood a little girl , dripping wet and shivering.

全身湿淋淋的,抓住他的手,然后跪在浴缸里。Tracy, sopping wet, got on her hands and knees in the bath.

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他们的车上溅满泥点,湿淋淋地滴着水。They had carts that were mud smeared and dripping with water.

那是什么东西---湿淋淋,血肉模糊的,大约贝迪的拳头大小?What was that thing—wet with blood, mangled, about the size of Bedi's fist?

她从波克手里接过湿淋淋的长柄葫芦勺,鼻孔立即被酒气刺激得皱起来。She took the wet gourd dipper from him, her nostrils wrinkling in distaste at the reek.

一般来说,当你每次揭下湿淋淋的保鲜膜那一刻,基本上就会见到一些成效了!Generally speaking, each time you peel the sodden film that moment, basically see some effects!

她穿了一身黑衣,从头到脚都湿淋淋的,完全湿透了。She was dressed in a sharp looking black dress but soaked from head to toe — absolutely drenched.

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阿兰-史密斯又一次打满90分钟,艾文球场这个晚上一直是湿淋淋的。Alan Smith capped a great evening by completing another 90 minutes on a rain-sodden night at Ewen Fields.

他从晾衣绳上拽下被刚才的一场雨浇得湿淋淋的裤权。He pulled his dripping trunks from the line where they had hung all through the shower, and wrung them out.

我们曾经共事过,经常可以看到我们结伴同行,就像下水道里两只湿淋淋的老鼠。And we have worked together ever since, often seeing ourselves along the journey as two wet rats in a drain.

小房间的窗帘拉开着,低檐窗户把外面湿淋淋的、开满花的紫藤框成一幅图画。The curtains in the little room were open. Low square windows framed a dripping wisteria vine in full flower.

正当她们以每小时50英里的车速行驶在湿淋淋的路上时,右方一辆车突然转向行进了她们的车道。Traveling at about 50 miles per hour on the rain-slicked freeway, a car to their right swerved into their lane.

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但是当我们后来看到他有点疲乏时,我们把他捞了起来,在一个黄昏里我们把他全身湿淋淋地送回家去。However, seeing him at last beginning to tire, we lifted him in and brought him home dripping wet in the evening.

一转瞬间,霍桑已俯着身子,伸手入水,将一个湿淋淋的包裹拉出了水面。In a moment, Huo mulberry already the Fu wear body and stretch hand into water and pull up a wet package surface.

溘然,寂静被打破了。黑骏马大声嘶鸣起来,那是一种布满恐惊的鸣喊。随后,它顺着湿淋淋的山谷奔跑起来。Suddenly the silence was broken. The black horse screamed loudly, a cry of fear. It began running down the wet valley.