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附加星等标签到光亮恒星?Attach magnitude labels to bright stars?

而木星、土星等因为太热而没有生命,库罗斯说。They are much too hot to support life, Queloz said.

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在大约四分钟后,射线爆的亮度逐渐下降到11.10星等。After about 4 minutes, the illumination slowly declines to 11.10.

当已选取,星等标签会附加到较亮的恒星。When checked, magnitude labels are attached to the brighter stars.

天文学家用星等和光度来描述恒星的亮度。Astronomers describe star brightness in terms of magnitude and luminosity.

比较星系的最简单方法之一是比较它们的星等。One of the easiest ways to compare galaxies is to compare their magnitudes.

比较星系最简单的一个方法是比较它们的星等。One of the easiest ways to compare galaxies is to compare their magnitudes.

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行星际磁场在不同的星等和方向强度差别很大。The interplanetary magnetic field fluctuates greatly in magnitude and direction.

它可以达到-4.7星等,而这远远低于未来地球,木星光明。It can reach magnitudes of -4.7, which is much brighter than the next planet, Jupiter.

任何亮于这个星等的恒星都会用这个最大的圆形绘制在星图上。Any star brighter than this magnitude will be drawn on the map using the largest circle.

在有背景光照条件下,研究了极限探测星等随太阳角的变化关系。In the case of illumination, the relationship between magnitude and the sun angle was studied.

如果一个星系比另一个星系的星等高,那么我们可以认为它离我们更远。If one galaxy has a higher magnitude than another, then we assume that it must be farther away.

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就在过去几天里delta达到了最亮,目视星等估计为1.7或1.6等。In just the last few days naked-eye estimates put it around magnitude 1.7 or 1.6, its brightest yet.

分析结果表明,系统引入的噪声随着所观测恒星星等的增加而增加。The result illustrates that the noise error increases with the increase of the magnitude of the star.

星等在星图上显示恒星的星等是有帮助的,特别是针对变星的观测。Magnitude It can be useful, especially for variable star observing, to display the magnitude of stars on the map.

高胜寒带着谢思潇和王星等一众成员来到飞虎旅面见首长。Goldman sachs frigid Xie Sixiao and king magnitude the members came to a tour of the flying tigers meet the governor.

要设置星图上显示的最暗恒星的星等,就在极限星等区域更改数值。To set the magnitude of the faintest star which appears on the map, change the value in the Limiting magnitude field.

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用离子抑制色谱进行水溶液中氧氟沙星等喹诺酮类药物含量的分析。The contents of quinolone medicines such as ofloxacin etc in aqueous solution are analyzed by ion inhibition chromatography.

星等分类的方法沿用了超过2000年,由古希腊天文学家Hipparchus于公元前125年创立。The magnitude of a star is based on a scale more than 2,000 years old, devised by Greek astronomer Hipparchus in about 125 BC.

星等分类的方法沿用了超过2000年,由古希腊天文学家Hipparchus于公元前125年创立。The magnitude of a star is based on a scale more than 2, 000 years old, devised by Greek astronomer Hipparchus in about 125 BC.