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这则启事通知。This not ice apprises.

驯服的公众接受了这个一再被重申的启事。Docile, it accepts the reiterated suggestion.

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报纸上没有登招聘经理的启事。The papers contained no requests for managers.

他最好的朋友雅克布决定要为他发布征婚启事。His best friend jakob decided to where ads for his release.

大家都同意先起草寻人启事。The first thing to do, everyone agrees, is to draft a flyer.

为何情人的终站是别离,事实他们知道启事吗?Why is lover's terminal separation, the fact they know sign?

他们的结婚启事已见报了。The announcement of their marriage appeared in the newspaper.

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回新后,她还刊登了寻人启事,可惜都没有收获。Putting back after the new, she also published, but no harvest.

如果你对一份招聘启事做出回应,要写上你是在哪里看到它的。If you're responding to a job posting, mention where you saw it.

等他一走,雷切尔和艾米又接着看那份启事。As soon as he'd gone Rachael and Amy read the rest of the notice.

我想是星期一。他们又该在报上登出发启事了。他们每次都是这样的。Monday, I think. They'll get a notice in the papers again-they always do.

幸运的是,他那失散多年的女儿看到了启事,于是家人重逢。Fortunately, his long lost daughter saw the appeal and the pair were reunited.

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寻狗启事从汽车的录音机里播出来,阿唐晓得了亨嘟的事。Look for dog announcement from the car's recorder, o TangXiao in broadcasting.

萨姆在一家快餐店外看到一则招聘启事,他走进店里。Sam sees a " Help Wanted" sign outside a fast-food restaurant and goes inside.

蒙福青少团团体照比赛-道歉启事及报告!Blessed YA and Youth Fellowship group photos contest – Apology and announcements!

大多数寻人启事上都会有照片以及简要地讲述孩子的失踪前后。Most post flyers with photos and terse stories of their children's disappearance.

他仔细地看了一些报纸,寻找杂志的征稿启事。He canvassed the papers,searching for notices inviting contributions to magazines.

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根据招聘会的招聘启事判断,这似乎是一个越来越不现实的目标。Judging from the job-fair billboards, that seems an increasingly unrealistic goal.

寻找于乐的日子里,肖杨散发了大量的寻人启事。Looking at the music day, Xiao Yang distributed a large number of tracing notices.

当她20年前偶然看到那则启事后,便怦然心动。When she occasionally read the announcement 20 years ago, her heart kept thumping.