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这件事由她照管。Trust her with this matter.

这个老人孑然一身无人照管。The old man lives alone in neglect.

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洛那德和汤姆·肖恩照管着柜台。Lonand and Tom Shawn were tending bar.

照管生病的动物,他很有一手。He's very good at caring for sick animals.

我总是由一位空中乘务员照管。A flight attendent would take charge of me.

他的大兄弟照管农事。His elder brother takes care of the farming.

我把孩子们托附给国家照管。I resign my children to the care of the State.

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神是唯一一位可以照管我们生命的人。God is the only One who can minister life to us.

当然茜莉娅会照管孩子们。Of course Celia will have custody of the children.

由于无人照管树木,所以大量的树都死了。Because no one tended the trees, a large number died.

她把婴儿托付给一位老太婆照管。She recommended her baby to the care of an old woman.

什么,今天下午让我去照管你的孩子们?What,am I going to herd your children this afternoon?

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孩子没有父母的照管容易走上邪路。Children are easy to go awry without parental control.

我去跳舞时妈妈照管了婴儿。Mother attended to the baby while I went to the dance.

那位女经理把她的孩子托给同事照管。The women manager recommend her child to her colleague.

旅游期间,我把房子托给邻居照管。I confided my house to the neighbor while I was touring.

那位女经理把她的孩子托给同事照管。The woman manager recommended her child to her colleague.

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陈设礼器之类的事,自有有关人员照管。For such matters as ritual vessels, there are the functionaries.

这种解决方案意味着服务器不能在无人照管的情况下重新引导。This solution means that a server machine cannot reboot unattended.

不要向往毒药——不要变成由我照管的十十足足的夏娃!Don't long for poison -- don't turn out a downright Eve on my hands!