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在我的餐馆里打工如何?How about working in my restaurant?

为银行打工就一定是罪恶吗?Is working for a bank inherently evil?

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边走边打工则是另一种选择。Working along the way is another option.

我上学的时候就在餐厅打工,I started working in restaurants in college,

他在一家快餐厅打工。He works part-time in a fast food restaurant.

他呢,就到我的车厂里头打工还债。He can go to my depot to work for their debts.

他为了谋生还教些书,有时在游轮上打打工。He had to teach a bit, or work on cruise ships.

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瑞哈娜在远一点的一家美容院打工。Rehana works at a beauty parlour down the road.

她的妈妈阮和平在另一座城市的工厂打工。She is in a different city as a factory worker.

凯蒂在城里时,曾在珍妮家打工。Kanchi worked for Jennifer when she was in town.

作为一名学生,我在假期打工。As a student I jobbed during the semester breaks.

他挖来百事总裁为苹果打工。He got the President of PepsiCo to work for Apple.

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库玛说,他在这个餐馆打工的朋友也会这么做。His friends at the restaurant also do so, he says.

嘿,听我说,凯西,我介绍你一个暑假打工的机会。Oh. Come here, Kelsi. I have a summer job for you.

这也是我为什么周某在餐馆打工的原因。That's why I do the weekend job in the restaurant.

这也是我为什么周某在餐馆打工的原因。That’s why I do the weekend job in the restaurant.

晓梦容许养母换一个城市打工。Xiao dream allow mother change a work in the city.

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今天我在汉堡王的汽车餐厅打工。Today, I was working the drive-thru at Burger King.

父亲告诉我,他要去福建长乐机场打工。Father told me he going Fujian Changle Airport wage.

这就是我为什么晚上在旅馆的餐馆打工的原因。That’s why I do evening job in the hotel restaurant.