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主要是法律上的问题。Legal ones, mostly.

我将是主要的忏悔者。I'll be chief mourner.

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我们主要的出口货是大米。Our main export is rice.

这药的主要成分是糖和水。The work is mostly done.

这是一个主要的陷阱。This is a major pitfall.

主要是通过亚马逊网站。Amazon is the main place.

英联邦运动会就是主要的例子。CWG is the prime example.

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这是一条繁忙的主要公路。This is a busy main road.

金钱是主要的压力源。Money is a major stressor.

宋冲是它主要的。Song Chong is an IT major.

我们主要有三趟旅游。We have three basic tours.

羊主要吃草。Sheep feed mostly on grass.

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这是我们的主要目标。This is our main objective.

是三大主要因素。Those are big main effects.

互市”的主要基地。Frontier "of the main base."

这是灰常主要的!This is often the main gray!

这就是您的主要目标。This is your main objective.

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那些是主要妨害。Those are the key holdbacks.

你主要是干什莫用?What do you are mainly stem?

经手费是主要的收入。The main income is brokerage.