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若悲伤感怀,你会与他们失之交臂。Be sad , and you lose them all.

我曾看过令人感怀流泪的夕落之阳。I've seen a sunset that would make you cry.

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我的感怀这在一定程度上是源于我对自己家乡城市的依恋。Part of this is my attachment to my native city.

对我来说,这部电影不仅给我带来了感怀的情景。To me, the movie not only presents an unforgettable scene.

将不仅仅是胜负这么简单直接的感怀。Would not only such a straightforward victory reflections.

这是一个艰难的决定,对我而言,这也是一个感怀的时刻。This is a difficult decision, and it is an emotional moment for me.

在她终于允许我们抽血的那一刻,真是一个令人感怀的时刻。When she finally allowed us to draw blood, it was a very emotional moment.

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如今见到芦花,见到风采依旧芦花的身姿,我惊喜,激动,感怀。See photo, see still bearing flowers posture, surprise, excitement, recollections.

告诉我,谁愿意回首往昔的时候才感怀那些旧日岁月已逝去何方。Tell me who wants to look back on their years and wonder where those years have gone.

毕竟,在他的周围,战友间的永别时常发生——数目多得他都来不及有所感怀。After all, the first had already happened to him—more times than he cared to think about.

有感于许多人得了绝症,他写了一封电邮给我以表达他的感怀。He wrote me an email expressing his feelings for so many people getting terminal illnesses.

我曾看过令人感怀流泪的夕落之阳,也曾看过横贯天空的七色之虹。I've seen a sunset that would make you cry, And colors of a rainbow reach in cross the sky.

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想着想着我就哑然失笑,自己竟然为一杯咖啡有云云多的人生感怀,我自己一定是老了。Imagine getting all philosophical and sentimental about a mug of coffee. I must be getting old.

弟子觉风传来以下的感怀,而我很高兴对于我住世的意义他能有如此的领会。Disciple Jue Feng sent in the reflection below, and I am glad that he can appreciate my presence as such.

那些感怀生活之后的感激,恩存于作者的心间从青春至暮年。Thanks for the Memories gratitude to those who live after the ex kept in the author's minds from youth to old age.

从黄色到鲜艳的红色与橙色,从灰色到深蓝——秋天的色谱惊艳无比,令人感怀。From yellow to bright red and orange and from grey to deep blue – the color spectrum of autumn amazes and inspires.

从唐宋词的整个发展历程来看,在词的创作中出现了大量的感怀忆旧追溯过往的作品。Based on the entire development process of the Tang and Song Ci , a lot of productions are created to recall the Past.

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所以,对死去的,除了纪念和感怀,更要学会面对和释然。So, for the dead, in addition to commemorating and Thanks for the Memories, but also to learn to face up to and relieved.

在普天同庆祖国60华诞的喜庆日子里,我们礼赞伟大的母亲,感怀美好的生活。In these happy days of celebrating our country's 60th birthday, we admir our greatest mather and enjoy our beautiful life.

所以每当看到这种细腻的情感,都会觉得感怀,满足于内心的一点小小感动,并且在芜杂中变的有期许。So whenever I see this fine emotions, will feel contented heart illnesses, small, and in part by become have expectations.