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她对他的成功感到眼红。He is green-eyed with his success.

她对他的成功感到眼红。She is green-eyed with his success.

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她双眼红红地,给我们讲了她的故事。She told us her story with eyes red.

看到那些支付高的点击你们就眼红了吗!To see those high-paid clicks you jealous of you!

陈龙看到袁浩,分外眼红,让人把他吊了起来。Chen Long see Yuan Hao, especially, people hang him up.

他从巴哈马群岛回来时看上去健康得令人眼红。He looked disgustingly healthy when he got back from the Bahamas.

当然,有很多发展中国家对天朝之崛起可谓分外眼红。Of course, many developing countries are envious of China's rise.

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在这里,我注意到,如果某个人做得出色,其他人不会眼红。One thing I've noticed here is, if someone does well, there's no jealousy.

太子一见仇人分外眼红,当场招呼手下围攻李世民。Prince saw an enemy particularly jealous, spot called hand during the siege.

一些诸如肝肿大或者鼻窦炎的疾病也只能让摩托爱好者看着摩托车干眼红。Ailments such as enlarged livers or sinusitis will rule out aspirant motorists.

有很多人会赚到很多钱,但我真的不眼红。The fact that there'll be a lot of money made by somebody doesn't bother me really.

中国南车股价再跌,巴菲特真要眼红了。The share price China southern railway fell again, Buffett would be green with envy.

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大多数病人会有眼痒,异物感,流泪,眼红,以及畏光等症状。Most patients report itching, foreign body sensation, tearing, redness, and photophobia.

炕沿上坐着的那个鬼子军官,两眼红红的,像刚吃过死人的野狗。Thee 11 Japanese officers, sitting on the edge, his eyes red, just like eating dead dogs.

总是炫耀他那些电子产品,我也想让他嫉妒眼红一回。Tom always flaunts his electronic productions. I really want to make him feel jealous once.

丹尼斯自己不努力,还老是眼红别人的成就。Denis himself doesn't work hard, however, he is always green-eyed of other people's achievements.

患者2周前开始眼突,伴溢泪、眼红、易激怒。The patient first noted the proptosis as well as epiphora, redness, and irritation 2 weeks prior.

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原来是中学时的死对头,仇人相见,分外眼红。BE during the days in the high school of sworn enemies, the personal enemy meet, cent outside jealous.

在数十年里,中国会一直是一个相当贫穷,又富裕得让人眼红的国家。For many decades to come, China will remain both a spectacularly poor country and enviably rich country.

不适感觉包括眼干涩、眼红、眼痒、异物感等。Common subjective complaints included ocular dryness, redness, itching of eye, foreign body sensation, etc.