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一个爱尔兰的爵士迷!An Irish hipster!

您叫我,克劳德爵士?You rang, Sir Claud?

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我不信任你,爵士。I do not trust you, ser.

我一直戴着这顶爵士帽。I wore this Trilby a lot.

干得好,弗雷德爵士!A job well-done, Sir Fred!

这是劳勃斯特朗爵士。This is Ser Robert Strong.

杰拉尔德爵士已经被收买了。Sir Gerald had been nobbled.

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查理卓别林被封为了爵士。Charlie Chaplin was knighted.

看那个女爵士头上的冰!Look at the ice on that dame!

雨果爵士。Sir Hugo Macey de Farmington.

国王封汤姆为爵士。The king dubbed Tom a knight.

我妈叫我希尔蒂,爵士。My mother named me Hildy, ser.

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他的名字奥斯勒爵士。His name was Sir William Osler.

高文爵士是亚瑟王的外甥。Sir Gawain was Arthur’s nephew.

你不用拖着我,爵士。You do not need to drag me, ser.

“巴利斯坦爵士?”她轻柔地说。"Ser Barristan?" she said softly.

杰克热衷于骑自行车和听爵士音乐。Jack is great on cycling and jazz.

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阿萨姆邦的一个历史-爵士步态。History of Assam – Sir Edward Gait.

我封你为威廉姆华莱士爵士。I knight thee Sire William Wallace.

布莱克断送了我的梅林爵士团勋章!!!Black cost me the Order of Merlin!!!