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那个残杀无辜的暴君。The slaughter of the innocents.

他们残杀了所有的俘虏。They massacred all the prisoners.

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我们必须停止互相残杀。We must stop to cannibalize each other.

残杀者按照牵转具进总线之内。The butcher follows the dog into the bus.

如此教唆残杀,直到气喘咻咻。And thus for wider carnage taught to pant.

它看起来像他们正在互相残杀!It looked like they were trying to kill each other!

想象一下它们一旦逃出铁笼后会出现的残杀景象!Imagine the carnage if they ever escaped their cages.

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对残杀威和敌敌畏尚敏感。Propoxur and DDVP are sensitive to Blattella germanica.

就是这一点东西引诱它残杀昆虫。This is the tidbit which tempts his insectivorous fate.

我不能理解的是为什麽人们会互相残杀。They would have no inclination to meet on the battlefield.

可是,现在这个家族的人们正在互相残杀。Yet the members of this family were now killing each other.

“是的,我看到了,爸爸,”他说,“人们在互相残杀。”"Yes, dad," he said, "people were trying to kill each other.

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那法兰克大公悲痛地哭着看着自已的士兵被残杀。The Frankish duke wept bitterly to see his soldiers massacred.

对于残杀婴儿的行为,人们的感觉是一样的。I don't think people vary in their feelings about baby killing.

而没有一人遭残杀,因为这才是基督徒的行止!Rather than any were slain, for this was but Christian behavior!

哈玛斯与法塔之间上演着一场巴勒斯坦风格的互相残杀的游戏。It is a game of Tit for Tat between Hamas and Fatah, Palestinian style.

因此,人们在整个法国互相残杀,这些人杀了国王和许多其他的人。This led people all over France to fall to hewing and hacking at each other.

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塔利班一发言人称,喀布尔的残杀行动只是开始。A spokesman for the movement said the carnage in Kabul was just the beginning.

不久,人们开始互相残杀,许多人死去。Pretty soon the people started fighting with each other and many of them died.

而且在不同的国家里的人民还不时互相残杀。Moreover, lives in the different national people also often mutually massacres.