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下午过一座森林,黑橡与赤杨。At two a forest of oak and birch.

赤杨属于桦木科。Alder trees belong to the birch family.

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在树木的战役中赤杨战斗在第一线。In the battle of the trees, the Alder fought in the very front line.

好几个灌木林场都种上了白杨、柳树和赤杨。Several coppice plantations have been seeded with poplar willow and alder.

左边是河狸,右边是溪流、山杨、赤杨和柳树。Here is the beaver. And here is the stream, and the aspen and the alder and the willow.

而与赤杨共生的微生物是放线菌。The microorganisms involved in symbiosis with the alder tree are actinomycetes of the genus Frankia.

林缘入侵物种主要由岳桦和东北赤杨组成。Betula ermanii and Alnus mandshurica predominated in the colonizing woody species on forest boundaries.

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拟赤杨是一种生长快,干形直,用途广的优良速生阔叶树种。Alniphyllum fortunei is a fast growing broadleaf specie, which has straight stem form and can be used for many pur-poses.

这些幽静去处得天独厚,垂柳,赤杨及其他抽枝发芽较早的树木长得非常茂盛。The weeping-willow, the weeping-birch, and other trees of early and pendulous shoots, flourish in these favoured recesses.

我把我们村子的位置指给他看。村子就坐落在距离教堂一英里多远的平坦河岸上,四周矗立着赤杨树和截梢树。I pointed to where our village lay, on the flat in-shore among the alder-trees and pollards, a mile or more from the church.

我把我们村子的位置指给他看。村子就坐落在距离教堂一英里多远的平坦河岸上,四周矗立着赤杨树和截梢树。I pointed to where our village lay, on the flat in-shore among the alder-trees and pollards , a mile or more from the church.

它的寄主包括木麻黄科、杨梅属和赤杨皮属的几个树种,和在农业上还没有被广为开发利用的一些种。Hosts include Casuarina spp, members of the genera Myrica and Alnus , and other species that are not widely exploited for agriculture.

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表明杉木拟赤杨混交林具有良好的培肥土壤功能,对杉木人工林的地力维持和提高有重要意义。It is concluded that the mixed stand can be able to be self-rich in soil fertility, which benefit the maintenance and improvement of site fertility under Chinese fir plantation.

因此,蜉蝣的命运主要取决于附近装模作样的青蛙、鳟鱼、赤杨、水蜘蛛,和溪流里其余的生物,每一种生物都充当着其他生物的环境。Thus, the fate of a mayfly is primarily determined by the histrionics of neighboring frog, trout, alder, water spider, and the rest of stream life, each playing the environment for the other.

因此,蜉蝣的命运主要取决于附近装模作样的青蛙、鳟鱼、赤杨、水蜘蛛,和溪流里其馀的生物,每一种生物都充当着其他生物的环境。Thus, the fate of a mayfly is primarily determined by the histrionics of neighboring frog, trout, alder, water spider , and the rest of stream life, each playing the environment for the other.