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他吃力地利泥泞中跋涉。He slogged through the mud.

临睡之前我还需要跋涉很远…and miles to go before i sleep.

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我们正徒步跋涉在平坦的大道上。We are trudging a plain high road.

他在及膝深的冰冷的水中跋涉。He went knee-deep in the icy water.

他在深雪之中跋涉了二十哩。He trudged20 miles through the deep snow.

他在深雪之中跋涉了二十英里。He trudged 20 miles through the deep snow.

我每天沿着一条浅的有卵石的小溪跋涉。I wade down a shallow pebbly stream daily.

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拖着雪橇在雪地里跋涉的人。Trekking through the snow pulling a sledge.

我们在荒芜的路上跋涉了很长时间。We trudged the deserted road for a long time.

这是政治跋涉中最险峻的陡坡。This is one of the steepest ascents in politics.

他在雪中跋涉三个钟点才回到家。He trudge three hour in the snow to get back home.

长途艰辛跋涉使我困顿不堪。I was beaten out by the long and difficult journey.

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这真是一次终身难忘的艰苦跋涉。It is a meditation on a lifetime spent on the edge.

一个在沙漠中长途跋涉的年轻人经过一泓清泉。A young man roaming the desert came across a spring.

我们花了一星期才跋涉到山脚。It took us a week to trek to the foot of the mountain.

每个薄暮十分,我都垂头丧气地跋涉回露营地。Disheartened, I trudged wearily back to camp each dusk.

他经过艰苦的跋涉,终于找到了爱神伊洛斯。He trudge through hard and finally found the love in Iraq.

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老人在深雪中跋涉走向家中。The old man trudged through the deep snow bac towards home.

老人在深雪中跋涉走向家中。The old man trudged through the deep snow back towards home.

我们在狂烈的风雨中,艰难地跋涉过积水。We walk through the ponding with hard under the fierce storm.