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这个目光短浅的政策导致了致命的后果。This short-sighted policy led to fatal results.

现在不应当目光短浅,遗祸子孙。We must not be short-sighted and ruin our progeny.

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没人能指责他目光短浅。Nobody could accuse Mr Khoja of being narrow-minded.

治疗由美貌引诱所导致的目光短浅的药方功效并不明显。The prescription for beauty-induced myopia isn't obvious.

我们文化里的任何东西都能让你目光短浅。Everything in our culture tempts you into short-term thinking.

这个目光短浅的政策会降低大学水平的。This shortsighted policy will level down university standards.

这绝对是你可以想见的最目光短浅的政策。This is surely the most short-sighted policy you could imagine.

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如果总是目光短浅,那么你永远都到不了远方。If you never stare off into the distance, you’ll never get there.

但是这种方式目光短浅,并且可能会带来短期的困难。But this is short-sighted and would provide-at best-a short-term fix.

如果认为你优化完网站就听之任之,这是目光短浅的。It's short-sighted to think you can optimize your Web site and leave it be.

“螳螂捕蝉”比作只见眼前利益而不顾身后大患的目光短浅的人物。The mantis is likened to people who only see immediate 4 gains without caution.

然而,目光短浅的州政纲将会导致长远来看的不良后果。However, short-sighted state politics like this will lead to long-term consequences.

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对于这样的负面的反馈,玛利亚,艾琳娜认为是那些专家目光短浅。By now accustomed to negative responses, Maria Elena felt the experts were shortsighted.

对此,目光短浅的项目和组织最终要付出重大代价。For this short-sighted thinking projects and organizations eventually pay a hefty price.

如果一个指挥员只守城堡而不往远处看,那他就是目光短浅。He would be a short-sighted commander who merely manned his fortress and didn't look beyond.

为了在最终期限完成任务,我们用这样方法来编写代码是目光短浅的做法,我们最终将受到惩罚。This approach to coding to a deadline is short-sighted and will come back to haunt us later.

那么,美国处理经济问题为什么如此目光短浅又手忙脚乱呢?So why are we tackling our economic problems in a manner that is shortsighted and wrong-footed?

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只关注起步的薪水是目光短浅的做法,你需要长远考虑。Focusing merely on your starting salary is so short-sighted. You need to look at the big picture.

严格对待巴基斯坦政治家及其目光短浅和贪婪是恰当的并且正确的。It is right and proper to take a critical view of Pakistani politicians, of their myopia and greed.

优柔寡断的经理人往往抱怨,他们削减此类开支是因为受到目光短浅的投资者的压力。Pusillanimous managers complain that they're forced to make these cuts by short-term oriented investors.