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我是你的萍水相逢的公主。I'm your princess for a night.

有一种萍水相逢叫美丽。A coincidental meeting can be beauty.

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“可是我们,只是萍水相逢吧”她说。"How can? We barely know each other. " she said.

在那里,萍水相逢的朋友结成了生死与共的兄弟。There improbable friends pledged to be blood brothers.

既然我们萍水相逢了,我想就没必要击电话给你了。I guess I don't have to call you, now that I ran into you!

杰克和吉尔萍水相逢成为好朋友。Jack and jill, merry meet, merry part, became good friends.

也许萍水相逢,或许红尘过客。Maybe we meet by chance or passing traveller of human society.

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曾经认为的天长地久,实在不外是萍水相逢。Ever think of the everlasting, nothing is truly meet by chance.

绝大多数人穷其一生,也未能与这样的一个人萍水相逢。Most people go their entire lives without meeting a person like that.

有些女人永远留在男人的记忆中仅由于他们曾在街头萍水相逢。Some women will stay, in a man's memory if they once walked down a street.

萍水相逢,却是如鱼得水,他们的两只手在这神秘的刹那间一经接触,便紧紧握在一起了。At the mysterious moment when their hands touched, they were welded together.

我想我不会再见到她,因为我们只是萍水相逢而已。I don't think I will ever see her again. We are but ships that pass in the night.

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我一直想知道她为什么那么关心我,她和我萍水相逢,甚至语言不通。I wondered how she could be so concerned, not knowing me, not even knowing my words.

我想我是不会再见到她了。我们不过是萍水相逢,不会再有来往了。I don't think that I will ever see her again. We are but ships that pass in the night.

她五年前和李贤太子萍水相逢,一见钟情。She was five years ago, and Lee Hyun-Prince Edward meet by chance, love at first sight.

我对她稍有认识,但了解不深,我们只是萍水相逢罢了。I knew her slightly, but never got to know her well—we were just ships that pass in the night.

但是是什么样的敌人?萍水相逢?还是陌生人?或者就是一个街坊邻居?。Of course! But what kind?An acquaintance?A stranger?Or how about a neighbor that lives a few feet away?

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我还活着的事实说明了这些萍水相逢的人大多数时候是令人愉悦和简单的,有时候是让人愉悦的简单。That I am still alive attests that most of these encounters have been pleasant and brief, and sometimes pleasantly brief.

他的写作技巧对于短篇故事很适用,对于深夜在酒吧萍水相逢的人们来说很合口味。His technique is good for short stories, for people who meet once in a bar very late at night, but do not enter into relations.

有一天,工会是萍水相逢的丈夫的朋友,也是他的公司老板的儿子间与婴儿的行为。One day, the union was a friend of the husband who met him, and was also the son of his company boss with the behavior of the baby.