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很快,埃弗特一家找到了他们父亲的遗骨。Soon, the Everts found their father.

据鉴定,这些遗骨多数属于蒙古人种。It identified the remains of most of these are Mongolian.

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他们一块一块地把遗骨取出墓穴,每块都单独包起来。They took the bones one by one out of the grave, and wrapped each individually.

展厅内坑中,有完整的殉马遗骨106具,在发现原址建成。Pit hall, complete sati 106 Ma remains, after the discovery of the site completed.

在这些墓穴中还发现有箭头,两耳细颈罐和手握“奶瓶”的婴幼儿遗骨。Also included in the burials were arrowheads, amphorae, and infants with "baby bottles."

海军调查团队把遗骨带回悉尼,在那里用X-光进一步寻找线索时,发现其颅骨已经断裂。The naval team brought the remains back to Sydney, where they were X-rayed for further clues.

巴赫的遗骨于1894年被掘出。1908年,雕塑家们首次利用这些遗骨塑造出了巴赫的半身雕像。Bachs bones were excavated in 1894 and sculptors first used them to help create a bust in 1908.

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他们使用刷子、小铲子、甚至烤肉签子,把每块遗骨都留在土基上。They used brushes, trowels, even satay sticks, leaving each bone perched on a pedestal of earth.

遇难者的遗骨应该得到恰当的保存,而通过展览可以保存很长的时间。The bodies should be preserved properly so that they can be displayed in this way for a long time.

部分遗骨上有刀砍的痕迹、子弹射穿的洞以及明显的用钻头打开的窟窿。Some traces of the remains have knifed, shot through the hole and the apparent open with a drill hole.

据报道,墓碑中的遗骨为60中旬的男子,据称,曹操刚好是在这个年龄去世。Its reported to house the remains of a man in his mid-60s, the age at which Cao Cao is said to have died.

澳洲最后两名越战失踪士兵遗骨终于踏上魂归故里之旅。AUSTRALIA'S last two servicemen missing in action from the Vietnam Warhave begun their final journey home.

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司法部仍未有指引该于何处及`怎么样重新安葬遗骨,或者应保持`什么记实`。The ministry has no guidelines on where or how remains should be reburied, or on what records should be kept.

到处都是收集到一起的石块、吃剩下的骨头和一些随意埋葬的普通人类遗骨。There were many collected rocks, leftover bones, and some casually interred skeletons of normal-looking humans.

该区域曾发掘出非常关键的,能解释人类进化史的样本,包括已知最早的人类遗骨。The area has yielded key specimens illuminating the course of human evolution, including the oldest known skeleton.

他们把这片泥土完完整整的搬运到特大板箱中,日后再慢慢仔细地从中检查遗骨。The earth was removed intact and packed in oversized crates, which scientists will examine in a slow and careful process.

最小的受害者是两名14岁的男孩,他俩的遗体与这个坟地内数千具遗骨安放在一起。The youngest victims were two boys, aged 14, who were laid to rest alongside thousands of bodies already in the graveyard.

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此后几天里,团队成员仔细地将泥土清理干净,露出了随时会碎裂的极其脆弱的遗骨。Over the following days, the team carefully cleared the dirt away, revealing bones so fragile they were ready to crumble apart.

大多数古生物学家都是从地下挖掘史前遗骨,邢立达却在缅甸的琥珀市场上寻找着化石的踪迹。While most paleontologists dig up prehistoric bones from the ground, Lida Xing hunts for fossils in the amber markets of Myanmar.

它们争食着牛羚的遗骨,离去时只留下一帧骨架,被非洲炙阳烘烤得白晃晃的。Squabbling and fighting over the remains, they leave nothing behind but a frame of bones, which bleach white in the hot African sun.