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它们的家常话是五音繁会的歌声。Whose household words are songs in many keys.

你们有多少人知道抑扬格的五音步格诗?How many of you know what iambic pentameter is?

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为了达到有序的音源,只要将音轨升到第五音即可。For sequenced sources, just transpose the track up a fifth.

音乐被五音六律等严格地规范。The music was strictly regulated with the five tones and six pitches.

普通的五音阶起源于如下所示的方法。The common pentatonic scales can be derived in this manner, as shown below.

五音之中,不同音质的声纽,自能表现不同的情感。Besides, different tones quality in Five sound can express different feelings.

我们可以说这个是根音,或许这个是三音,且那个是五音。So we could say this is the root, maybe this is the third and that's the fifth.

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两种不同模式的六音符音阶,我们来看下五音符的模式So, two different forms of a six-note pattern, let's go to a five-note pattern.

比如许多音乐家的常备曲目“寿喜烧歌”,其中就有一段悦耳的五音旋律。An example is the "Sukiyaki song" that a great many artists have in their repertories.

现在我们了解到,一整套的重复八度,有时是六音符,有时是五音符Okay, so we have-- there's a whole idea of octave duplication— sometimes six notes, sometimes five notes.

我最后提到的是降五音,它也经常在“回家”的时候用,试试下面这个简单的乐句。The last note I will mention, is the flatted fifth. It is also often used on the "way home". Try this simple lick in A.

弥尔顿的史诗由不押韵的抑扬格五音步诗句写成,我们,还有弥尔顿都称其为无韵诗。Milton wrote his epic in lines of unrhymed iambic pentameter or what we call, and what Milton would have called, blank verse.

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三和弦是由三个音组成,包含从最低音上数第三音和第五音的。Triads are patterns of three notes consisting of a note with a third and a fifth added, counting upwards from the lowest note.

前八行通常是抑扬格五音步,第九行是抑扬格六音步,有称作亚历山大诗行。The first eight lines are written in iambic pentameter. The ninth line is written in iambic hexameter and is called an alexandrine.

有时候三全音的一个或两个音调会一起从音阶中被忽略,这样就创造出了六音阶或五音阶。Sometimes one or both notes of the tritone will be omitted from the scale altogether, which creates a hexatonic or pentatonic scale.

在我整理这些思绪并表达出来的时候,格雷的五音步四行体可能就在形式上影响了我了。As my thoughts on that subject began to be marshalled and spoken, I may have been formally influenced by Gray's pentameter quatrains.

哈萨克诗歌格律的基础是音步,音步以音节的数目来划分,有三音、四音、五音三种。The basics of the rules and forms of Kazak folk songs is syllable. It is divided into Three, Four and Five according to the syllable.

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但是即使把那有抑扬格的五音步诗行译成中文,也不可能感召蒋介石进行改革,更不可能使他放弃自己的权位。But iambic pentameter, even when translated into Chinese, could not lure Chiang into making reforms, much less into abdicating his seat of power.

文学发展到那时候,只有为戏剧写的诗,才会用不押韵的抑扬格五音步,即无韵诗。Up to this point in literary history, only verse written for the theater had been written in unrhymed lines of iambic pentameter, in blank verse.

文学发展到那时候,只有为戏剧写的诗,才会用不押韵的抑扬格五音步,即无韵诗。Up to this point in literary history, only verse written for the theater had been written in unrhymed lines of iambic pentameter, in blank verse.